Growing healthy sweet pepper without the disease. Tips gardener

  • Dec 25, 2019

Peppers, like other cultures, very often exposed to various diseases. The soil may be pathogenic fungi spores, insects are carriers of various viruses.

Very often there is wilting leaves of the plant (vertitsilloz). If the root has at least small scratches, then using them, the fungus enters the plant. To killing a plant, it will need 2-3 days. There are three forms of the disease: a dwarf, brown and green.

When brown, fungus infected plant dies. On the leaves of this plant can observe the appearance of brown spots.

Within a month of planting peppers in the ground, they can be affected by a dwarf form vertitsilloza. In this form of growth slows down, the leaves themselves gradually wilt and crumble with time. Peretz himself will survive, but the harvest will not be. After 5 days, the culture stunned by this form of fungal disease dies.

To protect the peppers from the mold, carefully remove the weeds enough, all plant residues in the autumn.

Fungal diseases peppers are also Fusarium and sklerotsiniya
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To find out the reason of why the plant loses its leaves should be cut at the root stalk. The presence of vascular bundles of brown shades at the base of the root tell us about fungal diseases. Such plants need to burn, so they do not infect others.


Pepper is a very harmful disease. The plant stops growing, the bushes are very small, appears on the roots rot, the leaves curl, turn yellow, the fruits are very thin and have no taste. This infection is transferred cicadas in the early summer. At this time the cicadas rapidly multiply. To deal with them should be by means of chemicals, processing peppers and before planting, and one month after planting.


In most peppers are affected at high humidity and low temperatures. Prevention: When planting the seedlings should be planted at a distance of 25-30 cm. ensure the normal watering (do not overdo it), loosening the soil and making it into ash.

Rot of various kinds

Blossom rot - so called due to the defeat of the plant tops. Rot also affects the fruit

If there is a plant with such signs of the disease, it must be regularly watered the bushes and spray the calcium nitrate. Well, infected bushes themselves better to burn.

On the plant appeared gray mold. Most often, the peppers are exposed to this disease in the rainy summer. To treat it is necessary to apply fungicides, and the affected plants to remove from the garden.

White gnil- formed mold white. First, it affects the basal part of the stem, and then rises above the stalk, and eventually reaches the fruits themselves. Affects bushes inside, forming the seal, then all the fruit becomes soft and even watery.

"Barrier" - his solution helps to get rid of the fungus. Damaged fruit should be removed.

Peppers are exposed to all kinds of viral diseases. These viruses are often spread the cicadas, and they can live on the sow thistle, field bindweed, plantain and others.

Fruits of pepper can still hit the virus Stolbur. Fruits pretty quickly deform themselves the leaves begin to dry up, the plant ceases to grow.

Sometimes you can see the whole plant becomes yellow and then die. It Fusarium. This plant should be removed to significantly reduce watering, loosen the ground.

Another disease Cladosporium: yellow spots on the plant. Ovary falls down, the fruit is formed. It can be cured by applying tincture of garlic

different shades of spots on the leaves (mosaic), bright and dark spots. This mosaic disease

Well once a week to handle seedlings milk. Such prevention is not to damage the plant.

There was the characteristic, very short, some diseases of pepper. To get a good harvest it is important to:

1. Observe proper agricultural techniques (irrigation, fertilization, etc.);

2. To remove weeds: they should not be in the beds. They are the main carriers of the disease peppers;

3. Remove all grass from last year;

4. Constantly monitor the condition of the bushes.

Now a lot of peppers produced hybrid varieties resistant to various diseases. By purchasing these seeds, you can ensure a good harvest at the lowest cost.

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