How to plant and care for raspberries

  • Dec 25, 2019

The great advantage of raspberries is its simplicity. It can be planted in the spring and summer, and fall. It is generally considered the best time for planting raspberry bushes autumn - from late September to mid-October. Autumn planting is necessary to think and leave the plant a month to adapt to cold weather. Before the first frost planted raspberries should have time to settle down well, and in the spring to go to the active growth.

Spring planting is best done from mid-April to early May. By the summer the bushes have time to settle down and will take the summer heat without any problems.

Selecting a location

Raspberry bushes - sun-loving plant, and if the choice between light and shadow, then put on the sun. But pritemnyat also need at least a few hours a day.

Given that loves raspberries frequent watering, water stagnation is destroying the roots. When choosing a place for planting, keep in mind that the bushes will grow at least 6 years. The preferred choice for the bushes will take the mound or the southern slope, securely nestled on the north side.

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Preparation for planting shrubs

The number brought in the harvest of your raspberry patch depends on the acidity of the soil. Raspberry is acceptable to acidity in pH 6 aisles. Help in the definition of the indicator will provide a litmus test. If the acidity is not suitable, you need to bring it to the proper level, making the soil some supplements. To lower the index, add lime to raise fresh manure or sawdust.

After selecting the locations of land for planting is necessary to dig up, focusing on the recovery of the roots of weeds, and it will certainly enrich the compost. It is also possible to add additives to the soil mix. Prepare her for a month before planting. Even if you want to make the spring planting, prepare the ground better in the fall.

Methods for planting

There are two ways of common landing bushes: hole and the trench.

alveolus. On the site are not dug very deep wells 50/50 cm. We arrange them at a distance of 90 cm from each other and keep half meter distance between the rows. The pits dug soil mix is ​​poured.

Shorten upper portion seedlings of 30 cm. Roots omit a clay solution and mullein, and planting. Covered with soil and lightly compacted. After dropping bushes, two buckets pour water per well, then mulching.

planting raspberries trenching, Dig the trench 50/50 cm, between the rows of retaining meter. The process is identical to the first except that no plant the bushes and stems with a distance of 45 cm.

Terms of care

In addition to proper planting and proper care is needed, for maximum yield. Basestocks care raspberry: literate watering; serviceable loosening the earth; fertilizer; spraying against harmful insects and diseases.

Do not neglect any of the sections, so your raspberries please you a great harvest.

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