Proven ways to help get rid of ants in the garden and the garden

  • Dec 25, 2019
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In addition to the mass of pests and diseases, land owners have to deal with the invasion of ants. On the one hand, they are harmless, but very hungry, spread aphids, spoil the tubers of plants, arranging branched passages underground.

There are several species of ants living in the gardens and orchards. Some of them prefer to eat a variety of plants, eating berries, flowers and all kinds of root crops. Others prefer to dwell on fruit trees and bushes, vigorously waving to them aphids. As a result, we have to fight with aphids, ants and all, a gripping portion.

Today, the market can find a lot of varieties of funds from the pesky ants, but if the problem is you do not have a large-scale character, to get started is to try to get rid of them simple but effective means, which enjoyed before, and now they are still more effective.

How can I get rid of ants:

1. Plant between the beds and the perimeter portion garlic, parsley, tarragon. All of these plants do not like insects, and they will always get round them. Tomatoes are also not very pleasant for them.

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2. Sow calendula nearby. These colorful flowers with a pleasant scent attracts ladybugs, which are the main enemies of aphids.

3. Spread out on the kitchen garden pieces of cloth soaked in kerosene. Ants immediately leave the site, as the smell is intolerable for them.

4. I was helped by the way, when I sprinkled an anthill, and all other places where these insects a mixture of baking soda and salt in a ratio of 1 to 1.

5. Periodically spray the plants with diluted in water soap.

6. To spread out across the garden dried oregano.

7. You can still hang on the tree trunk itself a special trapping bands, which will get rid of other harmful insects.

8. Put in a few places sugar cubes soaked in boric acid.

9. Pour in places where ground coffee mixed with cinnamon.

If all methods have been tried, but the result is not brought, it is recommended to purchase the drug from the ants based on chlorpyrifos or diazinon. These substances are insecticides. Means are available in the form of gels, emulsions, powders and even granules. Some drugs have to act after one day, well, the other only two weeks.

It should be added that the ants in the area brought not only one injury. So, in the places of their permanent residence, after a certain time, will accumulate potassium and phosphorus, which perfectly absorbed by plants. Ants also feed on caterpillars and other pests.

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