How to grow radishes in the garden and have a good harvest

  • Dec 25, 2019

Spring is a great time... ... So much I want to eat something pink, tasty, and most importantly useful. If you tell anyone cottagers, he immediately says that it is growing in its garden. What is it? Of course, radish. It is worth noting that it is in the radish contains so many nutrients and vitamins.

One beneficial effect on the nervous system, others promote the work of the heart and circulatory systems, and others strengthen bones, due to high content of calcium.

To eat good radishes every gardener should know how to properly grow, what is now and go talk.

In general, you can begin to plant radishes in the ground as soon as the snow come down. They begin to germinate as soon as the temperature exceeds eighteen degrees, and up to this time, they will be in the ground and wait for the necessary conditions. If you plant the seeds in the greenhouse, then they germinate much earlier.


Radish has many different varieties, and each of them has a unique characteristic. For this reason, every gardener can pick the vegetables to his liking. After selecting seeds can proceed to the immediate planting. It should be noted that the radish is ripening, medium and late ripe. If you put all three varieties, the fruit can be collected from early spring to mid-summer.

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planting seeds

The first step is to choose a patch of soil, which is suitable for the cultivation of radish. However, there are still a lot of the important points. Some gardeners give a list of tips on this subject:

1. Radishes should grow up in a well-lighted place.

2. The soil should be nutritious and, of course, easy.

3. Must be strictly controlled watering radishes, to avoid the so-called hands.

4. Some experts argue that the seeds that are larger germinate faster. So before planting is recommended to sort.

5. Also, some experts recommend to soak the seeds of radish in water before planting to speed germination.

6. Seeds should be planted at a distance of about six centimeters.

7. After planting the seeds is recommended to sprinkle a small layer of earth.

Once the seeds sprout you need to provide a quality watering radishes. Also, do not forget about the loosening of soil, and about the removal of weed plants.

Many gardeners may call radish one of the easiest vegetables to grow. There are only a few basic rules to keep in mind.

• When fully ripe radish his watering should be stopped to avoid the formation of cracks.

• Radishes need to fertilize during the whole growing process.

Storage radish

Storage radish - quite an important and easy process. To be more juicy fruits, and cleaning process of the crop was easier gardeners recommend a little sprinkle radish.

Store radishes recommended in a dark and cool place, and it should be wrapped in polythene before. Furthermore before storage is necessary to get rid of the tops (preferably cut it completely), and the cut tip.

Pest Control

Radishes may be subject to the defeat by insects, but this may be a fungal disease. The fact that the plant is sick, it can be seen in some respects. This yellowness and stains, and lethargy.

To fight the disease in various ways. This chemical, and folk methods. In the first case can be treated radish with a special solution, and in the second case, you can use the ashes. Many gardeners choose this option, the entire ridge carefully sprinkling ashes.

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