Pyatibashenny T-35: undue hope Soviet designers

  • Dec 24, 2019
Pyatibashenny T-35.
Pyatibashenny T-35.

Soviet tank T-35 was the only one of its kind. At the time of designing and building it was the only tank with five towers. Nothing of the kind made in the rest of the world. Despite the menacing look and pathetic face, T-35 stars frankly, not enough. Having participated in the Second World War, this machine disappeared from the battlefield even before the Red Army has made significant strides in the tank battles.

We tried to create a formidable machine. / Photo:
We tried to create a formidable machine. / Photo:

Before World War II, when the tank forces in the Soviet Union only started to take shape, domestic designers have assumed bet on "position" or just a heavy tank. These are the machines were to become the basis of armored forces of the country, smashing his fist Red Army. The new tank was able to overcome the 4-meter ditches and have impressive firepower. In 1929, under the leadership of the Soviet Union came a group of German engineers Edward GrotheWho introduced several interesting tank projects. However, all the machines offered them get terribly expensive for mass production.

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Baton immediately adopted to gain experience domestic designers.

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A great solution might be. / Photo:
A great solution might be. / Photo:

Work on a new heavy machine started in 1932. As a result, the tank was the T-35. Under the project a fighting machine was weighing 35-38 tons, but on the result of the tank began to weigh all of 50 tons. Compensate "overweight" tried firepower towers and it largely succeeded. Tank used a 76-mm cannon and two 37-mm guns and as many as four guns (later they became all the seven).

Not everything worked out just fine. / Photo:
Not everything worked out just fine. / Photo:

One of the most interesting solutions in the new tank was the use of advanced air management system that simplifies the operation of the driver. The disadvantage was that the whole system went too whimsical for the harsh reality of the army. Tank, which went into series, decided to produce without it. In 1935, T-35 decided to put a more powerful power unit to return to 800 horsepower.

Also read: "Stalled" why advanced German technology was not ready to fight on the Eastern Front
By the beginning of the war machine is already obsolete. / Photo:
By the beginning of the war machine is already obsolete. / Photo:

Collected tanks T-35 Kharkov locomotive plant. The first sample was rolled out November 7, 1933. For various reasons, in-plant was established only 59 tanks. Almost before the war it became clear that the armor of 20-30 mm does not protect the machine properly. The tank had to be urgently modernized.

Tank looked very menacing. / Photo:
Tank looked very menacing. / Photo:

When the war began, even more perfect KV and T-34 was not sweet. The fate of the T-35 tanks formed even more dramatic. The coefficient of non-combatant casualties among car was terrifying. In addition, it became clear very quickly, even the car at the time of 1941 does not meet the realities of modern war at that time. As a result, crews sometimes had to throw at all capricious "heroes" by removing them from light weapons and optics that anything has not got to the enemy.

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Continuing the theme will tell Why advanced German technology was not ready to fight on the Eastern Front and not only.
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