As welded construction to maintain smooth diagonal

  • Dec 25, 2019

Greetings to all subscribers and visitors to the channel. If you have decided to independently develop manual arc welding, our channel will be a good helper.

Box next door
Box next door

Today I cooked the metal door to the garage, and so, taking advantage of the situation, I want to show you how to save when welding the same diagonal.

door frame future
door frame future

The photo frame has welded the doors of the future, after the welding of its diagonals are the same, for this result, I made a few simple steps.

After I collected tack on 4 sides of the rectangle frames the door, the first thing put the same diagonal and picked here are temporary raskosiny, they have significantly strengthened the stiffness throughout design.

Then he marked out the places where there will be 2 more cross proftruby and their picked. After the entire structure tack and tack time raskosin started welding itself, which also occurred in certain sequence.

This priority scheme welding vertical joints (if the frame is lying horizontally on a table), I think everything is clear here. Seams need to impose from the middle to the edges, making a weld in diagonal sequence.

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This sequence diagram sutures in the lower position (the facial sutures frame). In this frame of 8 facial sutures on each side. The first thing you need to do 4 seam precedence as shown in the photo.

Then flip the frame and has already made all 8 of joints, but also make them in diagonal sequence from the center to the edges. Turn over and cook a little longer frame last 4 seam. Why do you need so much time turning over the frame? Just if you just apply all 8 stitches instead of 4, the frame can lead and take the form of a small boat, and this will not happen with this technology.

We clean the welds, cut the time raskosiny. By the way, these raskosiny better to take with one hand, they will be easy to break off, twisting toward it potholder.

Welding and assembly of the door of the box is also made by means of temporary raskosin is an indispensable tool if you want to keep straight diagonal.

Make a control measurement of the diagonals after all the manipulations with the welding and cleaning. All sizes have remained as in the assembly, the diagonal is not changed. Welding has great power in the displacement of parts of structures in welding, but by performing these simple guidelines, you can significantly reduce the bias.