Derzhak electrode clings to plus or to minus?

  • Dec 25, 2019

All welcome. Let us today razbrem question about polarity for welding - where derzhak connected to the electrode? The advantages of the welding machine, or to negative?. There is such a thing as a forward and reverse polarity for welding. What does this mean? Direct polarity is such a connection when derzhak electrode connected to the negative terminal on the welding machine. Reverse polarity - on the contrary, when the holder for placing the electrode connected to the positive side on the welding machine.

Remember it's not complicated - even in school I invented for himself a clue. The electrode line and is similar to the negative, then connect the electrode and the negative and get straight polarity. Tip simple but etched in my memory forever. So how does this help us when welding? Yes, that's the trick. When welding with direct polarity on the surface of the base metal temperature is higher, respectively on straight polarity proshe cooking thick metal. But in the reverse polarity, opposite, on the surface of the base metal temperature is lower, it means that it will be easier to cook thin metal. Minus for the fat - is such a fun, catchy tip! But most importantly, do not forget to look at the stack of electrodes that you bought, there are all the necessary information, including about the polarity of the electrodes.

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