What welding derzhak comfortable and durable

  • Dec 25, 2019

All welcome. We continue our welding diary. Today, I want to understand a topic, and what type of grip chosen for experienced welders? There are 3 kinds of grip - a fork trident clip clothespin and collet derzhak. Fork trident was the most common type of grip used today such derzhak almost can not be found, this design (in my opinion) is only one advantage - it's easy to make yourself. For the rest, I do not see anything good - a metal trident is under stress, the work piece is not to put others will shake cup shock.

Clip the clothespin - the most common type of welding of grip. It comes bundled with all new models of welding machines. This is the golden mean. A small price and there are no exposed portions of the metal surface under stress. Such kostruktsii many beginners use. Nothing really bad to say about him I can not, but this derzhak very long time will not serve with heavy use - weakens the clamping spring and the electrode begins to cuddle bad. Because of this, sometimes begins to spark, and grooves are formed on the metal part clamp shorter well it nafig if many varish.

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And the latest model - the collet derzhak. This is my favorite model. Very easy to use and durable. Excellent in the hand, a rubberized handle and a porcelain tip. Excellent clamps the electrode can lozhit zamassirovannuyu surface of the base metal. And it is very durable - for the last 6 years of intensive work succeeded only 4 such of grip if for amateur home welding, it is enough for sex life! The only negative - it is more expensive relative to other models of the price, but it's worth it, I highly recommend.

And yet - when the purchase derzhak, look at how much current it is rated, not worth buying if the load capacity is less than the power of your welding machine.

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