Getting rid of the mice using a home-made trap from plastic bottle

  • Dec 26, 2019

Everyone understands that the mice deliver a lot of trouble to its appearance in human habitation. Leprosy intruders are able to bring the hosts to a nervous breakdown, will stay in the house unbearable.

Mice deliver a lot of trouble to its appearance in human habitation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Mice deliver a lot of trouble to its appearance in human habitation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Preparation of poison

Due to the presence of mice happen all sorts of disasters:

  • Damaged wires become an unexpected source of ignition. The situation is aggravated, if the room is built of wood.
  • Pests manage to gnaw the furniture and children's toys.
  • After a mouse tasting foods are unfit for consumption.
  • There is a good chance to pick up E. coli and other infectious diseases.
  • habitats rodents foul food waste and garbage.

In the struggle for peaceful coexistence have to invent different ways to address troubled family. Help solve the problem of toxic bait that can fully eliminate pests. the following recipes:

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  • Take one cup flour, mix with baking soda (250 g) and sugar (150 g). Turn treat toxic for mice.
  • Composition of lime and sugar mixed in equal amounts (200 g) lead to the fermentation in the animal body and its subsequent death.
  • Equal proportions of flour and cement are well cope with the problem of transformation in mice frozen mummies. Next to the prepared mixture do not forget to pour the water into the container.
Homemade traps for mice. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Homemade traps for mice. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Traps for pests with their hands

To protect yourself, use the means at hand. Determined to win, we get rid of the mice using a home-made trap. Ways to make a few:

  • Vulgaris come to the aid of the bank 500 ml. At the bottom of the glass wall or paste bait in the form of bread crumbs, slices of sausage, cheese and the like. N. The edge of the inverted vessel set on the edge of a coin. Take 5, 10 rubles to design held until the arrival of an intruder. Hardly mouse reach for a treat, would be slammed into the container.
  • Making trap using buckets, flat wooden plank width of 1 cm and 0.5 liter plastic bottle. Pierces the bottom of the vessel so that the ends of the slats sticking out on both sides, carefully put on a bucket, and in the middle of the hanging wall structures are attached to a piece of food for rodents.
  • Put on a stool with a thin stick bait. Set it over the outstretched next container and wait for the guest to fail in an urn.
  • Purchase in the economic department of the glue from rodents. Plastered means of a sheet of paper, place an empty cardboard box, put a treat. Close all covers and cut the side of the entrance hole. Ran captive monkey did not get out to freedom.
  • To create a mousetrap useful empty plastic bottle of cooking oil. The tapered portion bore holes put into the slot bait construct is pivoted horizontally and set in such a way on the surface. The rear part of the vessel should hang, and tied to the neck and fastened the rope will not fall on the floor construction, when the mouse crossing the suspension on the edge.
You can purchase maintenance department Glue from rodents. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
You can purchase maintenance department Glue from rodents. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Prevention of the appearance of rodents

Eliminate undesirable neighborhood will periodically check products. Storing food in plastic bags will not save from pests, so use special containers. In a place in which the food put garlic cloves, onions or husk of bay leaves. Outgoing odor scare mice. Time take out the trash. Try to keep the house clean and tidy. Spacious and tidy up a house does not attract pests. Birdhouse in the yard set. Arrived birds of prey instantly noticed and caught weasely rodent. Unpleasant guests do not want to approach the area where flower tansy, tarragon, mint, chamomile and other herbs.

Mouse - hardy mammals that survive in extreme conditions. With the right approach to the problem may destroy them or prevent emergence.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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