My growing technology juicy dill without an umbrella

  • Dec 24, 2019

Thick clumps of dill without umbrellas are able to please any gardener, but not everyone knows how to grow a green. Let us dwell on the most suitable varieties and cultivation rules.

Growing juicy dill. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing juicy dill. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
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What sort of choose?

When selecting varieties for the growing cluster should focus on some useful tips:

  • Read the description of seeds which gives the manufacturer. Usually on the pack indicates this plant is designed for growing herbs or seeds.
  • To get a lot of greenery with bushes, and not admire the umbrellas, prefer late and middle-classes, as all early hybrids very quickly begin to bloom.
  • Pay attention to the length of the growing season of the plant: the higher it is, the greater the likelihood that the greens will miss the season, and not have to doseivat dill.
  • Do not believe manufacturers, promising a complete lack of umbrellas. It just does not happen, because the plant still needs to multiply.
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Practice has shown that the best varieties to grow dill without umbrellas are Amazon, Salute, Brawler, Alligator. But even if you properly care for other hybrids, have a chance to constantly get the thick luscious greenery and with them.

Tricks growing dill without umbrellas

Now consider directly method for growing juicy dill, which will constantly enjoy the fragrant leaves, suitable for salads, and for drying (freezing). Here are the main cunning ways:

  • Before sowing the seeds are put in gauze and soaked in warm (about 50 ° C) water. In this case, it needs to be changed 2-3 times a day; the total residence time - 3 days.
  • The second step - to wait until the first sprouts. To do this, the seeds are placed on a piece of gauze and cover. The fabric should always moisturise, and the room where they will germinate the seeds, keep the temperature not lower than 22 ° C. The whole period of germination takes up to 5 days.
  • Sprouted seeds should be planted in groups, not dividing them. This rule is mandatory, otherwise the shrubs will be few and pull up, forming umbrellas. The wells are best done with a diameter of about 10 cm. After planting pits are dug and abundantly watered. Too seeds are not deepened, it was easier to grow through the soil.
  • When the green sprout finally, gradually hilling it to form a strong root system. And do not forget about organic fertilizers to help you get the most juicy greens.
Growing dill without umbrellas. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing dill without umbrellas. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Much in the cultivation of fennel on greens without umbrellas depends on where you plan to plant. When planting in open ground to observe the rules of optimum temperatures - sow dill, when the average air warms dot 15 ° C, and there is no night frosts. It is better to do it in late April-early May. When grown indoors it does not matter, but it is still better to sow in late February.

This method of cultivation has many advantages:

  • guarantee the dense greenery, and the lack of umbrellas before the fall;
  • dill planted thus be virtually invulnerable to fungal infections and other diseases;
  • This method is suitable for all, without exception, dill grades: The difference will only be that ordinary - before start up umbrellas, though still before the greens with which it will be possible to cut off a few time.

Selection of the appropriate class and respect for the basic rules of planting and care of dill will provide you with fresh herbs for the whole summer and autumn you will enjoy flavorful and fragrant umbrellas that are so necessary for the preservation of vegetables.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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