Why do people make one more hole in the keys and advised to repeat them

  • Dec 26, 2019

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Why do people make a second opening on the keys?
Why do people make a second opening on the keys?

The ideas of the Internet propagate at the speed of light. One has only to do something interesting, take video as after a few days this was repeated by thousands of users. And now more and more people are drilled an additional hole on the keys. What for? After learning the reason, I want to do the same.

And how can we otyschesh right?
And how can we otyschesh right?

Most of us do every day is in your pocket or bag a whole bunch of keys. At least two - from the front door of the house, and even from the garage, office, garden... the list goes on. But in conjunction quickly find exactly the one that you use most often? And if still in the pitch dark? When there is no time and nerves to touch everything, help out here this trick.

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Drill additional hole in the key.
Drill additional hole in the key.

Craftsmen offer to take the "most popular" key (for example, from the front door), a drill and drill an additional hole near the standard. Wait a minute, now everything will become clear.

instagram viewer

Return key in the bunch.
Return key in the bunch.

Now, the most important key to return back to the bunch. Only this time, attach it to the ring fob through the new hole.

Now the key is always noticeable.
Now the key is always noticeable.

You see? Now the key is released (literally speaks from a different angle) from the main bunch. It's very easy to see at a glance. And just as easy to find in the dark at the bottom of the bag or, if in the entryway lightbulb burned out.

Speaker key is easy to find, even in total darkness.
Speaker key is easy to find, even in total darkness.

That's how little tricks to make life a little easier.

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