What really distinguished men from women's razor: Secrets manufacturers

  • Dec 26, 2019

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 What really distinguished men from women's razors
What really distinguished men from women's razors

Summer - the season is not only beaches and short shorts, but also shaving. Especially among the female population. Actually, the first two circumstances explain the latter. And we women do not mind sometimes for these savory purposes "prihvatizirovat" men's razor. But (we omit the ethical and hygienic sense) is it possible to do so? And the men machines generally differ from women? Is it worth it to save the ladies by buying yourself disposable razors for men? Explain company representatives Gillette.

What really distinguished men from women's razors
What really distinguished men from women's razors

The women who stayed in visiting a boyfriend or home suddenly discover that the razor is blunt, never tried the machine in action the second half? No matter how close your relationship was not, so you should not do. Still, the rules of hygiene has not been canceled. And besides, razors for men - not the best that can experience the delicate female skin. Why? And all, and because of differences in design and operation. Actually, that's these:

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1. Number of blades

What really distinguished men from women's razors
What really distinguished men from women's razors

Men's razors differ usually a large number of blades. The most popular models there are four or five strips of steel, while the typical female - 2-3. The more blades - the cleaner shave. But the purity demands victims. In this case - small cuts and microcracks. Therefore, when a representative of the beautiful half thinks of machine to shave the faithful, her clear skin, of course, guaranteed. As well as severe irritation. So think twice. Especially before going to the beach and swim in the salty sea.

2. "Forms" decide

What really distinguished men from women's razors
What really distinguished men from women's razors

As far as women's curves are different from the harsh angles of a man's face, and so the design of women's razor is different from the male machine. Manufacturers female models, mostly, trying to make the shaving head rounded - it helps to get rid of hair, even in the most piquant and hard to reach places (including the armpit). With severe male razor such tenderness is not a ride. All for the same purpose mounting head women's razor is usually made much more mobile. So she handle is designed so that it was comfortable to hold in all situations: with wet and soapy hands, standing on one leg, or performing other acrobatics in a bathroom.

3. Do not forget about moisturizing

What really distinguished men from women's razors
What really distinguished men from women's razors

And most of all - softening the strip. Yes, those are often provided with a male and a razor. But the softening composition in women is usually much more efficient, allowing the razor to glide easily over the skin even without aids such as shaving foam. Yes, and it smells much nicer.

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