In our world, a man who I would not have faced the problem of odor from shoes. Most often the cause of its formation is abundant sweat allocation and use of items of clothing from low-quality materials. What we would not have been the root cause, smelly and need to be dealt with effectively.
Important: Hydrogen peroxide is the bleaching material, and therefore must comply with extreme caution when working with it. Otherwise, the shoes can lose their original color.
Soda and hydrogen peroxide not only will remove the unpleasant smell, but also shoes and disinfect. They should be applied only from the inside. First shoes poured into a small amount of powder. After that you should wait for 1-1.5 hours until soda will absorb the smell, after which it is removed and the shoe is wiped with a damp cloth and a wet cloth. In conclusion, the shoes should be dry process.
In addition, the shoes can be treated by using cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Use should be 3 percent peroxide solution. The entire inside of the shoes thoroughly wiped. When this is done, it will only give the shoe dry. In some cases, you can connect to the process of drying hair.
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It is also necessary to remember the need to counter the root cause of unpleasant odors. Often wash and change your socks, wash your feet regularly. In the case of excessive sweating of the feet, can be purchased in a pharmacy special funds ointment. Very shoes after each use, it is recommended to put out to dry. All this is very important as an unpleasant odor is due to intensive breeding bacteria that breed during the formation of only a favorable environment, and which creates human sweat.
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