Errors when cutting grapes

  • Dec 24, 2019

To date, the winemaking and grape breeding gain enormous popularity among gardeners. However, not everyone knows how to properly carry out pruning grapes, as long as possible to enjoy the delicious berries. Gardeners can avoid 5 mistakes in pruning grapes.

Pruning grapes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pruning grapes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Errors when cutting grapes

The first and most common mistake gardeners when pruning vine - cutting the upper parts of the plant. On the contrary, be afraid to trim the tops of vines do not need to, because this procedure would tie the new, the fresh leaves.

Cultivation of grapes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Cultivation of grapes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The result of this fear may be that gradually the vine begins to thin, it becomes much thicker, and new shoots will no longer appear. Ideally, you want to remove from the vine after fruiting from 50 to 90% of the leaf, then the vineyard will give a good harvest.

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The second error is the popularity lies in the removal of the wrong shoots, which should be cut. There are two errors on this subject:

  • Someone thinks that the need to cut only the old shoots, leaving those who can still give a full harvest.
  • Someone, on the contrary, firmly convinced of the opposite.

In fact, the removal shall be subject to all the shoots, which fruiting come to an end. These stems are left for the next year, a special wing will not give, no matter how caring for them was not carried out. Do not be sorry, and thin, not ripened shoots are artificially concentrated grape green mass. Gardeners with experience recommend leaving only the thick bole of perennial branches with small spikes.

Whether to keep the branches of hemp?

Error number 3 is that many breeders grapes do not know whether to leave the branches stumps or not needed. The answer is simple: it depends on the age of the shoot. If mature escape, leaving a stump then necessary, with the length should not exceed 1 cm. Otherwise, all hemp is not only possible but also need to be trimmed. If annual vines and planting takes place every year, the grapes are cut off completely in order to avoid the appearance of mold on left "tails."

The vine. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
The vine. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The fourth mistake beginners winegrowers is non-compliance with the time pruning the vine. Ideally suited for this late autumn, when the ground already lies the snow.

Finally, the error number 5. As to the question of laterals on the vine, leaving them on the grapes can not be in any case. The harm is that second-order shoots solidified rod, thereby preventing develop new leaves.

In order to permanently get a good crop of grapes with elegant taste, it is necessary to select the right mix for fertilizing plants.

In the spring, the best option is the most common feeding chicken manure. Dilute the fertilizer is not necessary, it is sufficient to pour litter into the pre-dug a trench around the base of each vine.


When the respectable age of the vineyard where the vine bears fruit for more than 4 years, all branches and root system is in need of enhanced nourishment. To do this, fit such a mixture: it is necessary to take half a bucket of manure of birds, 1 bucket Mullein and about 1 kg of wood ash. All components to mix, add water in the amount of 4 liters and infuse for 1 week. When the solution is ready for use, take 1 liter of the total volume and pour 10-12 liters of clean water. Then pour grapes recommended rate of 2 liters per vine.

Vineyards. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Vineyards. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Very good fertilizes grapes simple wood ash. It is necessary to mix the ash and water in a ratio of 1: 2 for 2-3 days. After completing the infusion every bush grape pour water and this mixture in a proportion 1: 3. On average watering 1 vines such liquid consumed from 0.5 liter to 1 liter. This substance not only helps to fertilize the vines, but also to protect the vines from fungus and parasites.

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Read more:For a good harvest - the formation of vine bush