Making the ground in a private home: step by step guide

  • Dec 26, 2019

High-quality and reliable ground - electrical basis in any home. It should be clarified at once that it is mandatory and strictly regulated by paragraph PUE, and perform it must in any home. But is it possible to make ground with their own hands, without attract expensive specialists? You can, and it's not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

An important point: the choice of scheme

Before proceeding with installation, you need to decide on the scheme, which are presented in Figure 1:

Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

1. Pin mounting method It is considered the most popular and modern. It uses a ground loop, which is the Cathedral set the stakes a certain length, special couplings and even attachment to the punch.

2. Square It is not often used because it requires too much metal corner and welds.

3. Triangle. After pin version is considered the most reliable and easy to implement. Triangular grounding requires less material than any other.

4. A circle. The most difficult to perform, but still sometimes be found in the ground loop as a circle, assembled from metal bands and brackets.

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If not enough money, it is best to make the ground connection in the form of a triangle. Its reliability and durability will not be too different from the pin mounting options.

The sequence of the ground with their hands installation

Before you start to work, you need to acquire certain inventory and tools, among which:

  • Welding machine. It is suitable inexpensive and low-power inverter.
  • Angle grinder - Bulgarian.
  • Shovel.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • Wrench 14.

From the material required: 3 of metal brackets is not less than 2 meters in length, the strip 4 is not a segment less than 110 mm, 3-5 meters copper stranded wires 6 mm2 and a bolt (14) with two washers and nut.

Step 1: preparation of the trench

For mounting the ground must be prepared trench in the shape of a triangle with a separate strip of wire which will go to the switchboard. The depth of the trench is defined by normative documents and is not less than 0.7 m.

Fig. 2
Fig. 2

Step 2: Set the angle bracket

The best term for this action - hammering. Pre-sharpened metal corner in the amount of three pieces you need to drive on the edge of the triangle, with the expectation that there are not less than 15 cm above the ground. It is for this and it will take a sledgehammer.

Step 3: welding a unitary structure

3 driven into the ground brackets must be connected by means of welded metal strips. weld length is not regulated by the SAE, but it is better to do it at least 10 cm. So it will be the most reliable. Fourth band must be welded from one vertex to the intended point of connection with the electric board.

Step 4: fastening wire

In order to secure the wire to be ground to the bus, it is necessary in the metal strip posverlit hole via wire pressurize canned tip and pull via a bolt and nut two washers.

Figure 3
Figure 3

Step 5: Check the ground resistance

The grounding wire may not be connected to the bus until the loop resistance will be verified. To do this ordinary lamp connected to one conductor phase (taken, for example, from a conventional drill collar), and the second - to the contour. The lamp should shine brightly as from the normal power supply.

Figure 4
Figure 4

Summing up

Installation of ground loops with your own hands - quite simple procedure, requiring only a minimum of tools and skills to work with welding machine.