First aid for electric shock

  • Dec 26, 2019

If a person is hit by the electric current, the self he can not break contact. Therefore, without your help is not enough. You can not lose a second, because the longer it will be live, the harder it will be consequences. Methods described below are suitable for voltages below 400 V.

  1. The first step is to free the victim from the DC influence with all means available. The easiest and safest way - the circuit breaker or circuit breaker in the distribution board. This method, unfortunately, is not always the fastest, because the switchboard can be either far away or out of reach location (in many enterprises and firms it is placed in a locked basement). In this case it is better to release the victim independently powered circuits. Do not forget to follow safety measures, so as not to become a victim of the Rescuer.
  2. Remember that a person who has fallen under the influence of an electric current, it is forbidden not only to touch with bare hands, but approach it should not be. If there are any boards or thick stick, then use it to reject it and thus free from the influence of a current. It should be noted that the stick should be dry, otherwise another defeat is inevitable shock.
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  3. There is nothing close to the right? Try to pull the victim for clothes, wrapping his hands in this plastic bag. As a last resort, and only on condition that the clothes of the victim is dry, you can try to delay your bare hands.
  4. If near you have a sharp object (always with insulated handle), then cut into two their current wire. This may be an ax or shovel handle dry. Despite the fact that this method is recommended by many guides for electrical safety, it is quite dangerous. The fact is that in cutting the current wire short circuit occurs, accompanied by an electric arc. Be careful if you use this method, because you can burn not only skin, but also the retina of the eye. Hacking cable, you are sure to close your eyes.
  5. Freeing affected by the impact of a constant electric current, it is necessary to provide first aid and call a doctor.

Consider the correct order to assist action.

  1. The first victim lay on a flat surface, preferably with a soft cloth and start rubbing limbs. If required, loosen the oral and nasal cavities of mucus and blood.
  2. Then loosen the belt, remove, or at least undo all garments to ensure the free flow of fresh air. Also, open the doors and windows in the room. If the victim is conscious, it is recommended to give him a heart or a sedative. If he is unconscious, give him a sniff of ammonia and spray the face with cold water.
  3. Unfortunately, quite often the effects of direct contact with an electric current more serious. For example, lack of breath, is absent or is manifested intermittent pulse, pale blue leather. This situation calls for chest compressions and artificial respiration. These procedures everyone should know since school years.
  4. If the victim is still alive and there is no health abnormalities, you still need to show it to the doctor. This is due to the fact that the effects of an electric shock may occur after some time.