Oriental cabbage for mouth-watering salads

  • Jun 11, 2021

Peking, Chinese, Japanese - types of cabbage that came to us from eastern countries and have long been popular with the population of our country. We will tell you how to grow them on your personal plot. Many are afraid to plant it on their plots because of the fear that difficult climatic conditions will interfere with the harvest. But knowing some subtleties, this can be done, especially since such cabbage adapts well to the climate of Russia.

Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Chinese cabbage

This culture is found on store shelves called pak-choi. The translation is very peculiar - the ear of a horse. Although the name is not very appetizing, this does not prevent the cabbage from being tasty and beautiful. The rosette, formed from the leaves of the plant, grows up to 50 cm and has dense cuttings.

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How to grow

Best planted in August and April. But it can be planted in late spring or early summer, although this is fraught with a rapid onset of flowering. If nevertheless landed in the summer, then at night, from 8 pm, cover with black agrofibre.

The grooves for the seeds should be two centimeters deep, 3 seeds are put into them. One landing requires an area of ​​40 * 30 cm.

Pak-choi is not a picky culture, any soil is suitable for it and the cold is not afraid.

Popular varieties

Beauty of the east

Ripens 35 to 45 days. Has thick cuttings and a small rosette. The leaves are smooth, bright green, and the taste is delicate. The stalk is dense, contains a lot of juice, soft green. Head of cabbage weight about 700 g.


This variety is early maturing. Compact rosette, medium height cabbage. Leaves are rich green with a narrow, short stem. Per sq. meter can grow 3 kg.

Chinese cabbage

The sweetish, delicate taste fell in love with the population of Russia. Peking cabbage is stewed, boiled, fermented and eaten fresh.

Chinese cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Chinese cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

How to grow

It is the most widely grown oriental cabbage. It is necessary to plant in the ground in the last days of April and in late July - early August. Before planting, the soil must be saturated with mineral fertilizers. After that, the seeds are sown 2 cm deep, leaving 30-50 cm between the holes.

Care is simple: water, weed and cover regularly on cold nights. If it is too late to plant "Peking", then it should be done in greenhouses to avoid the autumn cold.

Popular varieties


Khibiny cabbage can be grown both in greenhouses (you can harvest it in 25 days) and outdoors (50 days). And if you wait 60 days, then a small head of cabbage grows on the vegetable, which can also be eaten. From sq. meters harvested up to 3 kg of vegetables.

Tabaluga F1

Hybrid, medium-ripening, "Asian". The bright green leaves have a bubble-like surface. A dense, egg-shaped head of cabbage weighing about 1-1.5 kg. Up to 7.5 kg of cabbage grows per sq. meter.


This cabbage ripens quickly - within 80 days from seed germination. A head of cabbage of pale green color with wavy, very juicy leaves, weighing up to 2 kg. The shape of the head of cabbage resembles a cylinder.

Japanese cabbage

This cabbage is early ripening, you can eat it in a month. She is also very beautiful, like feathers. There are many buds in the "Japanese" socket - up to 40, they grow quickly. You can shoot greens more than once a season.

The taste of this "Asian" is similar to the taste of a radish, but does not taste bitter. There are varieties with a sweetish taste.

Used to decorate dishes, sushi and salads.

How to grow

Grow only with seeds, and preferably after garlic or onions. Moisten the furrows for planting with water, after absorption, the seeds are placed with an indent of 40 cm. After that, fill the furrows with dry soil.

Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

If the cabbage grows in greenhouses, then the crop can be harvested after 30 or 40 days.

This Japanese culture does not require much maintenance, but the lighting should be sufficient, and it should not be direct - in hot weather, plantings should be shaded. Watering is necessary often, but at the same time, do not allow decay.

Popular varieties

Mizuna or Mitsuna

Mizuna ripens quickly, the leaves are long, smooth, but wide enough - up to 18 cm. Similar to celery. The color can be different: red, green or dark green. From sq. meters receive up to 6.7 kg.

Emerald pattern

This variety also ripens quickly - in 65 days. The rosette contains about 150 leaves; their height can be up to 35 cm. The color of the leaves is dark green. The taste of the Emerald pattern with sourness. Per sq. meter can grow about 5 kg of greenery.

Do you plant oriental cabbage for salads?

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