How to learn to repair electronics

  • Dec 26, 2019

The number used in household electronic devices is steadily increasing every year, that does not mean it is guaranteed high quality.

These products often fail, and their repair in specialized shops is very expensive. Of course, that economical user appears immediately thought about how to learn to restore their own electronics.

First steps

If desired, each of the beginners can master craftsmen repair technique very quickly, if only to learn a few simple concepts and rules. They relate to the elementary knowledge acquired in the amount of high school materials, and reduced to the following categories of individuals:

  • The current strength in a particular environment.
  • Strength of materials relating to electrical conductors.
  • Inductance coils and loops, and the notion of capacity.

In addition, the novice will have to learn to solder electronics circuits and other radio components, as well as to master the technique of treatment with a miniature soldering iron and suction (photo below).

At the initial stage of training it is impossible to do without the basic knowledge of work with measuring devices (tester, multimeter and oscilloscope). For repair is required not only to master the technique of measurement, but also to buy these products for personal use. Finally, the novice master must learn to work with complicated electronic circuits.

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Self Repair

Many users believe that the repair personal computer, for example, afford only professionals with extensive experience. However, in compliance with all the conditions that have been listed above, even such a complex device like a PC, you can restore yourself.

To this end, the following practical steps need to be taken in the first place:

  • Examine the materials posted on the Internet and on the ability to "read" circuitry.
  • Familiarize yourself with the main categories of electronic components as well as the basics of their work.
  • Buy an inexpensive soldering iron, multimeter and oscilloscope is a simple (if possible).
Note: Buy all of these products easier to just Chinese "Ali Express."

Their quality at the initial stage of development of the art brazing and measurement is sufficient. If all of these devices, as well as screwdrivers, forceps, side cutters and a special suction for solder - any novice master replace the swollen electrolytic capacitor without difficulty, for example.

Next will be considered the classic situation where the ability to repair electronic equipment with their own hands will come in handy.

Equipment is not included

Uncommon situation where when the household appliance signs his work is not observed (no indicators light, can not hear the characteristic sounds and so on. N.). In this case, the presence of voltage on the network is the most likely cause of the problem - the failure of the PSU or loss of contact in chains. The easiest way to see this - connect the device in series with the lamp 90 watts.

If after switching it is not lit, it is to be "sin" in the PSU, go to his examination and, if necessary - to repair.

Important! It should begin by checking the cord and fuse (if present in the circuit).

Demonstrate proper operation can proceed at first to test the contacts, and then to search for more serious damage, associated with the need to replace the burned parts.

Deviations from normal

If your electronic device is unstable and periodically either turned off or is not fulfilling its function - the reasons for this could be many.

So, if during the operation of the PC, he suddenly passed out, but after a while turned on again - it is likely to contact failure or overheating of its nodes. Troubleshooting in this situation boils down to the definition of basking components or disappearing contacts.

If the first operation can be done by a simple feeling chip or transistor, then determine the contact connections is possible only by their test of reliability. To this end, a suspicious socket gently swaying from side to side and fix the time of connection failure.