Quickly and budgetary transforms balcony: 8 clever ideas

  • Dec 27, 2019

Summer is over, but there is still time to enjoy cozy evenings on the balcony. We collected 10 nearly free options to create a beautiful interior, and build their own mini-terrace.

1. blinds

To make the room more comfortable and provide a private space, designers often use textiles. The same reception, and you can use on the balcony. In the event of inclement weather, choose quick-drying delicate fabrics. Sometimes for this purpose, suitable even the curtains for the bathroom.

2. Comfortable floor covering

To get out of the apartment in the lounge area on the balcony, you need to take care of the comfort of the floor covering. Extensive work would be required, it is sufficient to spread artificial turf, wicker "straw" or even wooden blinds.

3. Hanging chair or hammock

The mood of relaxation and tranquility can be set using the hanging furniture. Secure can be on special hooks. The main pre-check the slabs.

4. functional railing

Even a narrow balcony railing can be used functionally. The easiest option - to hang tubs with flowers. But in the same way on the railing hung, for example, a compact bar, a desk for the laptop and even grill.

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5. Remains of building materials

If, after the erection of walls is a few hollow cinder blocks, some of them get a great bench - simply insert into the holes a few planks-seat. Another option - a makeshift bed for flowers.

6. vinyl tablecloths

Use a soft furnishings in the open balcony impractical - when it rains it will have to clean up. Therefore sew special cases, for example, on a bed of old vinyl tablecloths.

7. Hanging flowers

On a small balcony to give a useful area for live plants is not desirable. But that is no reason to sacrifice comfort. The simple design of the rope on the hook, on which are strung pots, creates the illusion of air green walls.

8. improvised fireplace

The regeneration of the fireplace on the balcony of the main thing - fire safety. One of the options - to place candles in special fire-resistant containers. The other - to make their own hands Bio Fireplace from tin cans with fuel, ceramic flower pots and a layer of small stones between them.

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Author: Paul Shelyagin founder store design furniture Fields.

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