No weeds between the flower beds, the beds and paths!

  • Dec 24, 2019

Any homestead or suburban area with flowerbeds, the beds, paths will look sloppy and unkempt, if from scratch weeds growing between them. To plot pleased hosts and looked aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to put in order by using ground cover plants.

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Gardener. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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The need for ground cover plants

Track and the empty spaces between them are overgrown with weeds. Their seeds quickly spread flower beds, garden beds, paths and clog them. If we remove the weeds and leave the way open, she quickly dry up, and adjacent beds will lose moisture. In rainy weather, it will be impossible for them to come due to dirt on the tracks.

Beds and aisles without weeds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Beds and aisles without weeds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

You do not want to weed between the beds - plant a groundcover vacancies. It is strong, mainly wild, perennial grass, which do not require careful maintenance. They grow in full sun and in the shade, densely covered with soil, prevent it from losing moisture, protect from erosion. The hosts will be no need for endless weeding and loosening.

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Ground cover plants regulate microclimate, give the area clean and well-groomed. They are low-growing - 3-5 cm, and higher up to 20-30 cm.

The tracks in the garden

These are the most difficult to vegetated areas. The tracks are made of stone solid and separate from stone tiles, gravel, covered with a thick sand bed of pine needles. Usually the edges of tracks, between the stones sprout weeds. If the sow at the edges of the tracks, between stone ground cover of grass, they soon will be well-groomed and beautiful.

The tracks in the garden. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
The tracks in the garden. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To hide the track boundaries, you can sow grass ground cover such:

  • Carnation-travyanka suffrutescent. It is of various kinds. She loves light and moist soil. Thanks to her night garden is filled with flavor.
  • Ajuga reptans leaves with cherry and blue flowers in the form of an ear. Good will dilute the clove.
  • Seduum carpet (sedum repens). Has a dense fleshy leaves of emerald, blue-gray and yellow.
  • Kotula (Ladonnik). Its height reaches 30 cm. It has fern leaves chilly green color. In autumn they turn purple or bronze. Blossoms bright yellow flowers. It grows well in the sun and in the shade. Turfy likes sandy-clay soil.

They look beautiful on the paths between the plates:

  • Thyme - sun-loving plant, undemanding, hardy, drought-resistant. Also can be sown on the free sites.
  • Kotula bristly. It looks nice in the crevices between the stones.
  • Mühlenbeck has a tiny bright green leaves, and the fall of bronze.

The ennoble space between beds

The free space between the beds under the trees, you can sow these herbs:

  • Veronica filiformis, creeping perennial, reaching a height of 5 cm. The leaves are light green, rounded. It flowers from April 2 months, pale blue flowers with dark veins. Good looks near tulips and irises. It grows in the shade and in the sun.
  • Dyusheneya Indian resembles strawberries, yellow flowers and a red fruit inedible. Looks good next to a very short grass grows under the trees.
  • Laurent river, has a light green color of leaves, flowering before frost small white flowers. It creates a solid carpet on the ground.
  • Pahizandra apical with emerald leaves which are arranged in three tiers, jagged. After the beginning of the growth of weeds at once displaces.
  • Wallenstein trifoliate, up to 20 cm. Perennial forms dense mats. in winter leaves do not fall, bloom in May, yellow flowers.
  • Starry lantsevidnaya, periwinkle, Boudreau hederacea, Mazus creeping - a creeping plants which grow rapidly and very beautiful in bloom. They grow well under trees and on the free sites.
  • Purslane different varieties creates a beautiful carpet and looks wonderful in a sunny spot.
  • Chickweed, knotweed, Potentilla goose - a weed that will decorate any piece of land.

Groundcover plants much. With the right mix, they will decorate any land and will delight you with its incredible all season colors.

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Read more:Weed species and methods of dealing with them