Super means of aphid - application of vinegar

  • Dec 24, 2019
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The question of how to get rid of aphids using vinegar, of interest to many gardeners. The insect does great damage to garden plants, destroying the green mass. Small pest multiplies rapidly, able to destroy the entire crop in the garden.

Aphids on a leaf. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Aphids on a leaf. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Tips experienced gardeners

Many garden lovers are used for the treatment of garden chemicals, but the harvest in this case can not be called environmentally friendly. Folk remedies, including vinegar, help to protect fruit trees and shrubs from the pest. Aphids form whole colonies, reproduces at high speed.

We get rid of aphids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
We get rid of aphids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Pest summer settles on the young branches and the bottom of the leaves. In currant apical shoots dry and curl, stop growing. Gray-green midge in large numbers are located inside the damaged leaves.

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Small sucking insects are of the following types:

  • green;
  • Red Heads;
  • the apple.

Experienced gardeners use chemicals to control insects, plant decoctions, infusions. Aphids eat plants, vegetables, shrubs and flowers.

Reliable folk remedy against the pest is 9% vinegar. Food supplement is an alternative to chemical drugs: it is safe for human and animal health, does not harm the diseased plants.

Gardeners are advised not to use undiluted composition, ie. K. 9% vinegar cause leaf burn, deformation stems vegetable crops. May suffer the person conducting the processing plant, received burns of mucous membranes. There are several recipes for destruction the pest:

  • Alcohol vinegar solution was diluted liquid, adding to 1 liter of water 10 g of 9% of the composition.
  • In some cases, you can use the apple extract. Take the glass jar, poured into 1 l water and 20 g of vinegar.
  • Sometimes used alcohol essence, but when working with this lineup need to take special care in the process of dilution liquid funds. 10 liters of water added is not more than 100 g of concentrated vinegar.

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