Fertilizers for plant growth

  • Dec 24, 2019

Fertilizer for plant growth may be used at different stages of the growing season. Each mineral substance has a special effect, so it is important to use a dressing in accordance with its purpose.

Fertilizing. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Fertilizing. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Minerals - growth enhancers

To achieve maximum growth rate, gardeners use nitrogen. If the plants do not have enough of this element, the foliage begins to turn yellow, the stems become thin, the yield is greatly reduced. Nitrogen rich wood shavings, horn meal. It is contained in the manure, green manure and crop residues.

Dung - a source of fertilizer. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Dung - a source of fertilizer. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

If you need to stimulate flowering, improve qualities such as drought or frost, should be used phosphoric fertilizer. If the plant is not enough phosphorus, it grows slowly, poorly developed roots, leaves curl or may occur in some spots of red and purple.

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In the natural substances, phosphorus is contained in the dry chicken manure, manure, bone meal.

The accumulation of proteins and carbohydrates contributes potassium. Through its effects plant becomes more resistant to temperature changes, better resists disease, it enhances the growth of the root system. Potassium deficiency is yellowish green mass, leaf death, starting from the top. To compensate for the lack of potassium, you need to fertilize the beds of wood ash, basalt dust and manure.

Ash - source of potassium. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Ash - source of potassium. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

Of great importance in the process of plant growth is calcium. He will reduce to a minimum the indicators of soil acidity, improve its structure. The consequence of a lack of substance becomes lower yield and deterioration of the soil structure. Calcium in large quantities contain dolomite, marble, algal limestone, chalk.

If the leaves brightened, steel marble, the space between the veins painted in red-purple color, it means that the plant is not enough magnesium. Signs of a lack of sulfur is also reflected on the green weight: lighter leaves, wither and fall off quickly.

Using mixtures of fertilizer

Fertilization often are dictated by the soil on which the crop grows. For example, sand (sandy) soils need frequent fertilizing, and the dose of the substance should be small.

If the gardener aims to stimulate root growth and increase the green mass, it should use complex fertilizers. It is composed of a mineral elements 2, which are aimed at enhancing growth.

Among the most common compounds isolated "Ammofos". It includes in its composition phosphorus and nitrogen. Dressing in accordance with the instruction is diluted in water and poured into the roots of the plant.

"Nitrophosphate" - a mixture of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It is used at the beginning of the growing season. Spring "nitrophoska" fertilize the sandy earth, and in the autumn it watered clay and loam.

Algal active and contribute to increasing the number of ovaries potash mixture. Root becomes effective fertilizer potassium salt. It is made once a year - in the fall.

There are special micro-soluble fertilizing issued in the form of tablets. When you make the soil they dissolve in it. These types of fertilizers used mostly for vegetable crops.

The nutrients highlighted in the fermentation process of certain plants. Such liquid fertilizer made in barrels, putting green coats and pouring water. To reduce the odor added to the vessel a few handfuls of stone flour. Future feeding should be regularly stirred. In warm weather, it will be ready in 5 days. If the weather is cold, the maturation period may be up to 2 weeks. Ready bait is concentrated, so it should be diluted at a ratio of 1:10.

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