Getting rid of goutweed method of exhaustion: a personal experience

  • Dec 27, 2019

Despite all of its beneficial properties that are often used in folk medicine, goutweed for farmers is a real scourge. This weed quickly flooding the land, consuming nutrients and expelling vegetable crops. Get rid of goutweed simple digging will not work. Of chopped roots sprout new shoots, but the struggle will lead to further spread of weeds.

There are many ways to deal with goutweed, but I believe the most effective - method of exhaustion. That's it, I used the last time, when I became a plague this weed.

The method

All the power of goutweed is in its strong root system. Therefore, our task is to drain the root, and not give him the opportunity to continue the development. Simple but time-consuming. Therefore, if goutweed captured more territory, to control better take limited area. Otherwise, you can start to boil the pot, and all efforts will be in vain.

First we need a good weeding plot. Weeds need pulling together with the entire root system. Try to remove all traces of the root, in the future it will greatly reduce the amount of work.

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After that, plowed field and waiting for the appearance of the first shoots goutweed. Once on the ground made it sprout, remove it immediately. It is very important not to let him develop green mass, or connect the process of photosynthesis and root will gain the nutrients that were previously given the germ. We remove each seedling that is visible on the surface.

After the second root growth begins to wither and depleted. After the third - completely destroyed.

Yes, time-consuming method, but completely destroys goutweed. We drained the root system is simply no chance of revival.

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