5 autumn fertilizers to feed the soil than in November

  • Dec 27, 2019

Already came the first cold, but the ground has not frozen. This means that is the last chance to saturate the ground fertilizers. After the fall of the training will depend on the garden after the next harvest.

In this short article I will talk about 5 Core fertilizers that are best suited for the fall into the soil.

1. Manure and litter

Autumn - a great time to be entering into the land of manure and litter. It added this fertilizer during the middle and surface digging.

Do not get too often to fertilize the land with manure, the optimum period - 1 every 3 years. It was during this time the soil is "tired" and begin to lose their fertility. If you carry out the procedure too often, land is overrun with nitrogen, which will lead to the formation of a large amount of nitrates.

Never make the manure and litter as the root fertilizing. It can cause burns plants.

2. ripened compost

A good alternative can be a ripe manure compost. It can make digging in any volume. In the spring the soil is fertile and rich in trace elements. And if the compost weeds are present, the winter cold will destroy them.

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3. lowland peat

As fertilizer use only lowland peat, as it is rich in trace elements and helps to improve the soil structure. It can be added into the ground both in pure form or together with compost.

Peat should be avoided as it will acidify the soil, but the content of useful substances in it is minimal.

4. wood ash

The ash contains many useful trace elements that plants need for growth and development. Calcium, potassium, magnesium - it's not all components of normal wood ash. In addition, if your soil has become acidified, fly will help her regain a neutral acidity.

Fertilize the land with ash can be no more than 1 time in 3 years. This is best done in autumn or spring, as a direct root fertilizing can burn plant.

During cooking, never pour ashes a fire with water. This will lead to the fact that all the useful trace elements go into the ground with moisture. And an empty dressing will not bring any good.

5. potash fertilizers

As part of the potash fertilizer is often the presence of chlorine, which in large quantities is harmful to plants. Therefore, to make such feeding is worth it in the autumn, as for winter action chlorine is neutralized and the plants receive only the necessary nutrients.

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