Why not dig a vegetable garden in the fall: 5 Reasons

  • Dec 27, 2019

I used every autumn dig the garden being sure that this is a great way to prepare the ground for the winter. And did that not only I, but all my neighbors - growers. Imagine my state, when the next horticultural courses we were told that the autumn digging the soil harms the vegetable garden. I was in doubt, but beginning to understand.

Those who dig the garden before winter, say the following benefits:

  • The soil becomes more friable and oxygenated;
  • Autumn digging roots removes weeds;
  • It allows digging to destroy pests that have gone into the soil for the winter;

However, whether these arguments are the benefits really are. Here's what I found out.

  • Indeed, in the process of digging the soil becomes loose and oxygenated. But, after the winter and autumn floods, the soil is compacted again, and the oxygen is no longer penetrate into the ground;
  • Indeed, part of the roots is successfully removed, but we are making another mistake. Located on the surface of weed seeds deep into the soil, where they can find shelter from the cold and survive. As a result, the weeds in the spring does not become less;
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  • But in terms of combating pests leaving the ground, digging it is still a useful procedure.

That is, it turns out that special advantages autumn digging has not. Especially when compared with the efforts that will be spent. And now let's talk about the disadvantages, they turned out to be quite a lot.

5 arguments against autumn digging

1. Digging up the garden in autumn, we mix topsoil with lower. As a result of this process is killed a lot of useful microorganisms. Soil fertility is reduced;

Part microorganisms freezes on the cold part of the die due to lack of oxygen.

2. In the process of digging we mix less fertile soil fertile. As a result, the overall quality of the soil decreases.

3. During the autumn digging, we bury weed seeds, allowing them to favorable winter and rise in the next year.

4. Spring floods compacted soil structure, greatly reducing breathability. Put plants in the ground this is undesirable. It needs one more digging;

5. Autumn digging up to the surface all the nutrients and valuable substances. By the spring, outdoors, part of them will be lost.

Dig the garden in autumn or not - a private matter. But now I prefer to carry out this procedure in the spring. I think so many more benefits.

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