How to get rid of the root in the garden is not spilivaya trees

  • Dec 27, 2019

Those who have ever worked in the garden, are well aware of how much trouble delivering the roots of trees. They penetrate the fertile layers of soil, preventing the cultivation and processing. In addition, the thick roots are capable of destroying the foundations, sewers and other underground structures. And get rid of them is extremely difficult. Firstly, it is very time-consuming process. You need to spend a lot of effort to dig and chop off the root. Second, the root system of trees rather rapidly and the risk of new roots is very large.

In this article I would like to talk about how to get rid of a large number of roots in the garden. This article will be particularly relevant to those summer residents, whose plots are located in a wooded area. Although there are problems with the roots of almost all, regardless of location. After all, even small trees around the perimeter of the site to sprout roots almost in the middle of the garden.

Getting rid of the roots in the garden

To get rid of the root in the garden, it is necessary to make underground barrier. Other choice does not exist yet. If you do not protect the beds, roots will sprout again. And the removal process will have to do again.

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I do not see the options, which is necessary to remove the tree itself. Although these also exist. This method will get rid of the roots of preserving all the trees.

1. We separate beds

First you need to define the boundaries of the garden. Mark the perimeter of the ropes, which will end with the beds and emerging areas. It is for these boundaries, we will be protected.

Dig a narrow groove width and depth of the bayonet spade about 50 cm. You will immediately see the roots grow in the direction of the garden from the nearby trees.

To the tree is not killed, you need to pull back from the base of the stem 10 of its diameters. In this case, the removal of the roots will not be fatal to the tree.

Now cut the roots. This can be done loppers, a saw or an ax. If the roots of a large diameter, use electrical or gasoline-powered tools. So it will be much easier.

As a result, we should get a ditch depth of 50 cm, without passing through the roots.

2. isolate root

Now it is necessary to isolate the roots. Make it the best stainless steel (galvanized) metal sheet. Do not use materials such as:

  • Thick film. Within a few years a film will crack and the roots will sprout again in the garden. It's too soft material;
  • Roofing material. This material will also come into disrepair in 3-4 years. For root it is too soft;
  • Slate also should not be used as a hedge. In the spring, when the soil is actively "walking", slate and crack the roots emerged flock to the slot;

To galvanized sheets are not kicked out of the ground, it is better to fix by means of metal pegs - hooks. Once the barrier is fixed, bury and seal the sheets ground. The following year, in place of the pit will sprout grass and defense will be quite noticeable.

Before burying sheets, fold the sharp edges. Otherwise, you can touch them and get hurt in the future.

In the soil over time, the remnants of the old roots will rot, and new ones will not appear. If done efficiently, the problem will be gone forever. Shelf life at no such protection.

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