How to protect your cottage from thieves winter: simple and free methods

  • Dec 27, 2019

Beginning in December, vacationers drop out of their possession, which means that life in the villages stops. Abandoned homes become an easy target for experienced thieves and ordinary hooligans.

In this article I will discuss how to protect the country house, which are available for every pensioner. Without professional alarm systems, satellite systems, and rapid response teams. This article will be of no use to those who keep his house behind a high fence with cameras. It's about ordinary homes in ordinary towns, where in winter there is not even a watchman.

Thieves do not expect to find in a suburban houses some values ​​such as money and jewelry. They are interested in cheap electronics (An expensive one for the winter will not leave), Household items, utensils, tools, and other possessions. They are counting on volume. More will make a longer able to sell. So if you think your house is not interesting for thieves - you're wrong. There is always something to profit.

Back in the 90s, I remember when I was stolen from the site an aluminum sink, cut wires and twisted all the knobs.
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The best way to protect your home against theft - make it inconspicuous and uninteresting for thieves. After all, if someone wants to get into you, it does not help even a modern alarm system.

In 2005, we have been robbed in the street is quite rich (by local standards) house. And no alarm was not saved. Rapid Response Team just could not drive on snow-covered roads. Thieves have disappeared, and that was it.

1. Do house is not remarkable

Make the house uninteresting for thieves is quite simple.

  • Do not use padlocks. Their presence once said that the owner is not home;
  • Remove from the window sills all things. Vases, radios and other belongings might attract the views of others;
  • Remove from the site all the garden tools, wheelbarrows, hoses and metal objects. Who is stealing not only the non-ferrous metals, but also an ordinary iron;
  • Zashtorte window to the street could not see the contents of the house;
  • If you have the opportunity to come to the country in the winter, then protopchite as many tracks shalt snow and leave other traces of human habitation. Ceteris paribus, the thief is unlikely to get into the house, where people come from time to time;
  • It is not necessary to write humorous inscriptions like: "We have nothing to steal," or "Get the thief, we are close." First, it draws attention. Secondly, it can annoy, causing you to inflict more damage;
  • Replace inexpensive lattice window. They will understand the thieves that steal nothing special, but in order to get into the house - have to work hard. (Expensive and beautiful lattice can be contrary to attract attention.);

All of these tips will help to make the house less interesting to a thief, but do not guarantee its safety.

2. Prepare home for uninvited guests

Very often, thieves not only take away everything of value, but also cause irreparable harm to property. The most terrible thing - they can start a fire. Therefore, inside the house, too, need to prepare for the arrival of guests.

  • Never leave the vodka on the table that says "Have a drink, just do not steal." Alcohol only provoke the thief, who later will cause a lot of damage. If a person has already entered into your house is unlikely to stop him compassionate inscription and refreshments;
  • Remove all flammable and explosive objects. Do not leave home gasoline, kerosene and gas cylinders;
  • Remove matches and lighters. During the search, a thief can get to them and set fire;
  • Try to take away everything of value in the city;
  • Do not cover the interior doors, they still break;
  • Turn off electricity, water and gas.

These simple tips will help keep your property and real estate. Try to be discreet and will bypass your house party.

The original of this article, as well as other materials about seedlings, you can find on my site - How to protect your cottage from thieves winter: simple and free methods