Getting rid of the stump near her house without uprooting

  • Dec 27, 2019
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Those who has ever faced the problem of uprooting stumps are well aware that it is not easy. It takes a lot of brute force, which gardeners - pensioners simply do not have.

That I once had to deal with such a problem. After a severe storm collapsed "age-old" birch, raising at the same time a huge reservoir of land near the ditch. The tree itself helped me to saw neighbors (It was hot as it fell to the greenhouse, apple and some beds), But the stump was left to me. Cut it with an ax did not work, and digging I did not even, it too difficult to do.

I had to find a way of getting rid of the stump without the use of physical force. Today it will be discussed.

At first I tried to burn a stump with fire, but it did not bring any result. All gasoline burned, but the problem remained.

The method №1. potassium nitrate

About this method is known to many who have already faced the problem of removing tree stumps. I'll tell it about the experience.

Step 1 - Make a hole

In order to destroy the stump, we must be "loosened" first, because "live" a deal will be very difficult to him. This will help us all familiar potassium nitrate. It can be purchased at any gardening store at a price of 80 rubles.

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If we simply mound nitrate on the stump, no effect will be. She quickly be diluted with water and leave the ground. Therefore, we need to drill a lot of holes in the tree stump drill of the big diameter. If there is power, you can start to cut stump. All this is done in order to nitrate soaked into the wood as far as possible.

Step 2 - fall asleep nitrate

After the opening will be done, to go to sleep as much as possible of potassium nitrate and pour a little water. Need is to nitrate penetrated into all the cracks and holes.

As such, we need to leave the stump for a sufficiently long period (8 to 12 months depending on the timber size and the stump). Do not forget to cover it with a large lid, roofing material, a film or something else that will protect him from the rain. Otherwise, the nitrate will be washed away and the effect will be negligible.

Step 3 - Remove the timber

After the wood is soft, and will turn into dust, it can be cut down with an ax or a burn.

If the stump is very large, a year later, you can remove and re-softened wood drill holes in solid wood, repeat the whole procedure again.

Such a method removes the bulk of the stump, but does not fight back. Give advice on how to remove the roots out of the ground? Maybe someone faced?

method №2. Salt

Already after I removed the stump using a nitrate, suggested to me that it is possible to do the same procedure only with a lot of salt. How effective is it I do not know, did not try, but I've heard about this method is no longer one summer resident.

But it seems to me, in the method of salt has one big disadvantage. All of the soil near the tree stump to be salted so that nothing growing on it will be gone. But I could be wrong.

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