What if apples rot right on the tree. Causes and consequences

  • Dec 27, 2019

There are many reasons why apples can spoil and rot on the tree. It may be a lack of trace elements, and consequently the attack of parasites. But, most often, the cause of decay is moniliosis.

1. What is moniliosis?

This fungal disease virus capable of destroying entire harvests. It is easily spread among fruit trees. Carrier of infection may be flying insects, easy wind and even rain.

The worst thing is that the disease is easily tolerate low temperatures and well winters in the branches of a tree. In the spring, when the sun begins to warm, moniliosis begins activated.

Particularly strong fungus affects the damaged trees. If the bark of apple trees have cuts or flaws, the chance of contracting increased tenfold.

Moniliosis capable of hitting not only apples, but other fruit trees. If time can not be stopped, the whole garden can be infected.

2. Prevention moniliosis

Any disease is always easier to prevent than to treat later. As it happens with moniliosis. Much better to take preventive measures in advance than later use radical methods of treatment.

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Since preventive measures do not take up a lot of time, it is better to do even if you moniliosis never bothered. For prevention, I do the following:

2. 1 Properly planted trees

Fight moniliosis necessary at the stage of planting trees. Since this fungal infection is carried by the wind and rain, it is best to have the trees as far as possible from each other. This way you can prevent the spread of disease throughout the garden.

In addition, the cure one tree is much easier, faster and cheaper.

2.2 Carry out regular pruning

Each year, cut the dry and damaged branches. This procedure will prevent the spread of the disease throughout the tree, in the event that some of the branches have already been infected.

Clipped threads need to immediately burn or carry away portion. Even the "dead", separated from the branch of a tree, able to infect the whole garden.

2.3 Blow any foliage and fallen trees

Always remove the foliage, fallen trees and other debris in the range of 1.5-2 meters around the trunk of apple trees. The thing is that in this "mulch", can live and grow insect pests, as well as various kinds of fungi and viral diseases.

Now (in the fall) cleaning is particularly relevant. After moniliosis well tolerated winter and is activated in the next year.

3. Treatment moniliosis

When moniliosis struck apple, carry out preventive measures too late. An urgent need to act, until the fungus has not spread throughout the site.

Using the popular methods in the fight against moniliosis not effective. I tried a lot, but the disease came back the next year, as if nothing had happened. Helped, as I call it, the purchase chemicals and active pruning diseased branches.

3.1 Remove the affected branches and fruits

Before proceeding to the treatment, immediately remove any infected branches and fruits. Branches should be cut to 25 cm lower than the disease struck. Do not spare the tree, if the disease will again have to cut even more.

3.2 treated with a solution of copper sulfate

After all the affected branches and fruits are removed, treated wood 1% copper sulfate solution. Be sure to carry out the procedure in the days when there is no rain and strong winds.

Before applying copper sulfate, and other potent drugs, make sure that the tree will take a comfortable procedure. To do this, cut the branch and one look at the reaction.

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