Major mistakes during storage of vegetables. Why growers lose a large part of the crop

  • Dec 27, 2019

In order to savor its natural vegetables throughout the winter, they need to not only grow, but also to save. How did hurt when labor all summer, and then the storage teryash up to 20-30% of the crop. At such times as much like crying.

Today I want to tell you about the main mistakes that gardeners in the preparation and storage of vegetables. So, let's order, starting with the collection.

1. Invalid harvest

Take care that the vegetables are stored for a long time, it is necessary at the stage of harvesting. There are some basic principles that should prederzhivatsya.

  • It does not damage the fruit. For example, picking cucumbers per plant, you can damage or bruise the fruit, which in the future will lead to rotting;
  • The harvest should be harvested in time. For example, if you dig up the potatoes for storage too early, its peel is thin and will not be able to resist the external environment. As a result, stocks will deteriorate;
  • Fold vegetables carefully collected. Do not throw them, not stockpiled large piles and do not use damaging the container (for example, an old wicker basket).
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2. Wrong selection of applicants

After the crop is harvested, it is necessary to select candidates for safekeeping. It should be done very carefully, sweeping away all the fruit of the:

  • Kozhetsey damaged;
  • Mechanical damage;
  • Dark spots;
  • Erased natural protective coating.

Remember, only the most healthy and timely gathered the fruit can be stored for a long time.

3. The absence of the test of time

Even the best at first glance, vegetables, check the time. To do this, we leave seeded crop for a week, then choose vegetables that have started to spoil. They are no longer suitable for long-term storage and are best to eat immediately.

If you do not, during storage manifest hidden deffekty and fruits will rot.

4. The absence of regular review

Even in the most favorable conditions, some fruit will start to deteriorate before the others. Our task in time to notice it and immediately isolate such vegetables.

To do this, you need to regularly check and sort out their stocks. Even if one fruit began to deteriorate, he instantly infect others, so just throwing it.

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