How to prevent future wireworms of the season

  • Dec 27, 2019
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There are many garden pests, wireworms but for me the number one enemy. Why? It's simple! Take, for example aphids. If it attacks a tree or bush, I can immediately respond and start to fight. Thus, the chances of saving the plant is very large. But wireworm is another matter. Soil pests are not so visible and easy to miss, especially if the "surface" all right, but before harvest for a long time.

When wireworms seized land, to deal with it is very difficult. Sometimes it does not help even a strong chemistry. Therefore, it is best to carry out preventive maintenance to this infection could not settle down and multiply.

In this article, I have compiled a list of actions that can help prevent the occurrence of wireworm.

1. It is necessary to comply with crop rotation

Try to alternate landing. If for many years to put on the same place, for example, potatoes, the ground will take root characteristic for this culture of pests and diseases.

In addition, each plant uses certain nutrients and minerals. Therefore, when a long landing on the same place, a deficit of certain trace elements in the soil.

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2. Periodically lime soil

Do not allow the soil acidification. Periodically fertilize her lime fertilizer.

Check the acidity of the soil can be both bought-in appliances, and traditional methods. Buy the first opportunity in any gardening or hardware store for a price of 500 rubles.

3. Hold your ground "clean"

Always try to keep the earth clean. Remove weeds and other unwanted vegetation. Particular attention should be paid to such grass, wheat grass.

From it you need to get rid of immediately.

When you delete a wheatgrass sure to wear gloves, otherwise you can greatly cut your hands.

4. Not stored plant debris

Never stored vegetable waste in their area. We are talking about the old leaves, leaves, twigs, etc. It must immediately be incinerated or sent to a compost pit.

The piles of old leaves and matted bots factories of various parasites, including wireworms.

Old tops and leaves can cause infection of plant diseases such as Fusarium or moniliosis.

If you know that the tops or dry branches are infected, it is better to bring them out off-site and burned. Do not hesitate with the case.

5. Keep the distance between plants

Too dense crops contribute to the speedy spread of diseases and pests including wireworms. Therefore, when planting, try to keep the distance between plants.

Compliance with these simple rules will prevent the appearance of wireworms and help to save the harvest.

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