The best time for planting strawberries

  • Dec 27, 2019
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In the year there are only two good times for planting strawberries - it Spring and autumn. Gardeners have long been arguing about which of the periods better. For myself, I finally decided - autumn. Planting at this time of year has many more advantages. Here is some of them:

  • Planting strawberries in the fall, you will get a harvest next summer;
  • I work in the garden in the spring a lot of opportunity to transfer land for the autumn saves time and effort;
  • Strawberry loves the beds, which recently grew onions, garlic and other crops. Plant ripe in such places can only be in the fall.

Some gardeners are afraid to plant strawberries at the end of the season due to the upcoming cold weather. Indeed, if the berry freeze, do not have to wait for the harvest. But I think that the fears are not justified. The second half of August and early September (10-15 th day depending on weather and climate) in my opinion, completely safe period.

In addition to the weather, a lot depends on the accuracy of landing. Now I will tell how are planted itself.

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1. Choosing a strawberry cultivar

The first step is to determine the grade of strawberries. Each variety has its own characteristics. For example, different size of berries and immunity to diseases. I prefer such varieties as:

  • Kent;
  • Kimberly;
  • Bereginya;
  • Florence.

Most popular varieties tolerate well the winter, so we choose to your taste and color. If the variety is rare, it is better to know in advance whether the berry is easy to tolerate frosts and what are the features.

2. Choosing a place to land

It is important to choose a bed for planting. Place have to be sunny and dry enough. (The swamp strawberries will not grow) Prefer well-fertilized places.

Best of all, if before the strawberries grown in the garden:

  • Dill;
  • Parsley;
  • Bow;
  • Garlic;
  • Radish;
  • Carrot;
  • Beet.

Never plant the strawberries on the beds, where they were before:

  • cucumbers;
  • Cabbage;
  • peppers;
  • Potato.

The thing is that strawberries can become infected with the same disease as the above-mentioned plants. Even if the plant itself is not, the viruses can live in the soil for a long enough period of time. Therefore, always remember that and where you planted earlier. (This rule applies to all fruits and vegetables).

3. planted berry

Many gardeners planted strawberry bushes too close to each other, that does not give the berries fully develop and bear fruit. The distance should not be less than 40 cm, otherwise the future will be closely strawberries.

The size of the pits, which are planted in the bushes of strawberries, must be such that the entire root system is free to delve into the ground. Before planting, moisten the soil, watering each well separately. Sprinkle the roots of the earth should be very careful, because they are easily damaged.

Planting strawberries in the fall, be sure to Zamulchiruyte dense soil layer of straw. This will allow the winter berry positive move and give a good harvest next summer.

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