Prepare raspberries for the coming season. How to make the next harvest in 2 times more

  • Dec 27, 2019
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I have many friends, gardeners who do not care for raspberries. They believe that this wild berry does not require any attention and care.

I think quite differently. If you want to get a stable high yield of raspberries, it is necessary to monitor and care for the plant. Yes, raspberries really taxing, but give it a few days a year, still stands.

I have to say, I agree with the raspberries into two types:

  • summer - the one that bears fruit in July;
  • Autumn(Remontant)- the one that bears fruit in August and early September;

Although both types are very similar (Many do not share them), Caring for them need to be different. You can determine the type of dates ripening of berries.

Let's start with summer raspberries, as its fruiting period has ended.

1. Caring for the "summer" raspberries

the maturation period of summer raspberries - July. In this month, the berries turn red and ripen fully. By early August perespevshie fruits are already beginning to fall to the ground.

To every year to get good harvests of summer raspberries are kindly requested to pay attention to the plant. many do not take time.

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1.1 Trimming

Raspberry bushes every year pruning. This should be done immediately after harvest. (And do not fall, as many believe)

The first removes dry, diseased and broken branches. Once removed otplodonosivshie lignified shoots. They do not bring the harvest, but simply dry up in the future.

Young green branches should cut only if there are too many.

Pruning is done to ensure that the bush is better endured the winter. The plant will require a lot of effort to prepare for the cold weather.

1.2 Feeding

I prefer to feed organic fertilizers raspberry bushes. Usually, this manure or compost. There are those who sprinkle ashes or peat.

Also, it is sufficient to alternate fertilizers efficiently. In the first year - organic, in the second - mineral.

1.3 Watering

Watering is a prerequisite for a good harvest. Moisten the soil should be up to the onset of cold weather.

I water raspberries once a week at the rate of 3-4 buckets in the one full bush.

Watering is especially important if the summer was hot and dry.

2. Caring for "autumn" raspberries

remontant (Or as I call it - "Autumn") Raspberry is able to bear fruit for about a month. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the berries appear both on new and on old wood. You are very lucky if you grow so beautiful.

1.1 Trimming

I crop the absolutely all the shoots of autumn raspberries immediately after fruiting.This is to ensure that the plant retains strength and is not attacked by pests.

Some gardeners specially leave a portion of shoots, to get as much of the crop. However, this leads to weakening of the raspberry and the emergence of diseases. I would not advise to do so.

1.2 Feeding

Feed autumn raspberries organic fertilizers it is impossible. The thing is that organic matter contains a lot of nitrogen, raspberry bushes that just do not have time to learn.

Fertilize need only nitrogen-free dressings. If there are none, you can leave the bush without fertilizer. (Although I do not recommend it)

1.3 Watering

Autumn raspberries loves moisture, even more than a year. Water it is worth every 5-7 days with plenty of water.

Since autumn fruiting raspberries very late, after the harvest is better to reduce watering and stop completely before the advent of frosts.


As you can see, raspberry does not require special care and large investments. Simple procedures will help keep the hive healthy, give strength to the development and fruiting.

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