Bordeaux mixture on cooking instruction

  • Dec 24, 2019

Bordeaux mixture is an effective means for the control of plant diseases. However, if improperly cooking it brings harm to human health.

Bluestone. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Bluestone. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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How to make a safe liquid Bordeaux

Many gardeners do not know how to cook liquid Bordeaux. Universal means consist of copper sulphate and lime. The substances dissolved in water. Bordeaux mixture does not harm health, if we use the following recipe:

  • Mark 2 10 l pails. You can not take aluminum.
  • In 1 Pour 100 g of copper sulfate, add 4 L of hot water and mix. In a cold environment, the compound is dissolved slower. Wait until the solution has cooled.
  • In another bucket to add similar amounts of lime and water. Stir well and strain the solution.
  • The first mixture slowly pour into a second, stirring.
  • Bring the volume up to 10 liters by adding the right amount of cold water.
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Once again stir the mixture, after which the Bordeaux mixture is ready for use. It is desirable to use up means immediately after preparation.

Harm to human copper sulfate

In very large amounts is toxic substance. Fungicides may get on the skin and mucous membranes. Once in the body, bluestone destroys erythrocyte membrane layer. The substance irritates the respiratory tract and digestive tract.

Copper can accumulate in the tissues of the body, which leads to serious violations of many systems. More often affects the liver and kidneys. Sulfate can cause genetic disease.

Poisoning and precautions when working with the substance

In severe poisoning occurs sometimes fatal. This happens when people inhaled poisonous fumes.

Hazardous copper concentration is 11 microns per 1 kg of body weight. If swallowed a lethal dose is 0.5 g

Therefore it is useful to know the basic signs of intoxication, in time to help yourself or another person. When copper sulfate poisoning appear:

  • vomiting and abdominal pain;
  • fever;
  • muscle pain or cramps;
  • coughing and sneezing;
  • eye redness proteins;
  • allergic reactions.

Itching, reddening and burning arise when contacting the compound with the skin. Symptoms do not always develop immediately. They can appear only in a few hours. If you are experiencing the symptoms described, it should be as soon as possible to call a doctor.

When inhaled fumes appear symptoms of metal fume fever. It is characterized by fatigue, headache, fever and + 40C, nausea, vomiting, and others. Possible unconsciousness and delirium. If swallowed, the state resembles food poisoning.

Bordeaux mixture. Illustration for an article used open source
Bordeaux mixture. Illustration for an article used open source

First aid depends on where the connection anyhow. Skin or mucous need rinse thoroughly with water. If ingested, take activated charcoal and a laxative. It is useful to drink plenty of water. At a poisoning with copper can not drink milk or any dairy products. If the victim inhaled vapors, wash nose and mouth. It is necessary to bring it to the fresh air and give diuretics.

If you ignore the intoxication may develop serious consequences. Disturbed functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. Sometimes, changing hair color or broken teeth. Not excluded liver and kidney damage. All this can be avoided if you follow simple safety measures while working with the composition.

In use, the substance can not be taken metal utensils. You should carefully read the instructions and comply with the dosage strictly. Overdue means use is strictly prohibited.

In the preparation of the mixture and processing plants use protective clothing, gloves, face mask, a respirator, and others. Do not store the remains unused solution. Keep bluestone from foodstuffs. The place should be inaccessible to children and pets.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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