How to speed up the ripening of green tomatoes

  • Dec 27, 2019

Dear colleagues, gardeners, today I want to talk about the collection of green tomatoes. What is the advantage of this method, and in less than. Also, I will describe some ways that I use to quickly green tomatoes are red and ripe.

Pros collection of green tomatoes

  • First, collecting green tomatoes we unload the plant. After all, the ripening takes a lot of nutrients and energy. Tearing one green tomato, we give strength to the development of another;
  • Second, if the tomatoes for a long time not to shoot, they become too large and tasteless, and sometimes even begin to deteriorate.

Cons collection of green tomatoes

The main disadvantage is that many varieties of tomatoes lose their taste, even despite the fact that they become red and ripe. Without plants tomatoes still can not get all the necessary nutrients.

How to accelerate the maturation

There are many methods of accelerating the ripening of green tomatoes. I'll tell you about those that I personally use.

1. Boots or wool socks

Tomatoes ripen perfectly in boots and woolen socks. Tested on personal experience. However, the method can not be considered complete, as the full harvest of boots and socks will not save enough.

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2. Podselyaem tomatoes neighbor

To dospeli tomatoes faster, you can put them ripe banana, apple, or even the same tomatoes. The method that ripe fruits emit ethylene gas that accelerates maturation.

3. sunbathing

It has long been observed that the tomatoes ripen faster if you reside in the sun. For this lay tomatoes in a single layer in a warm light room. If it's cloudy and the sun is not enough, you can turn an ordinary light.

4. Make alcohol injection

One day I was told that the tomatoes will ripen faster if they make alcohol injection. This will highlight ethylene. Honestly, I tried on three little thing, and I can say that it did not give much effect. And the method is quite specific.

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