Bread dressing for cucumbers

  • Dec 27, 2019
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Today is the first day of August, and I have managed to collect several crops of cucumbers. This year, the summer was hot in the Leningrad region, therefore cucumbers grow well. But the plants continued to bear fruit and delight more, they must be periodically fed. After all, for the development of the fetus it takes a lot of trace elements and nutrients, and because of the hot weather and frequent watering, they are washed out of the soil.

In this article I will talk about feeding, which I use now - in early August. It does not require fertilizer or purchased drugs. Everything is very simple.

Recipe bread dressing

Fertilizing is called bread, since its preparation we need only a simple black bread and water. The recipe is simple:

  • Cut the bread into small cubes. The smaller the cubes, the better. Indeed, in this case, the bread will be able to pay the water all the necessary materials;
  • Take the metal pan or bucket and fill it with bread. Should fill slightly more than half;
  • Fill it with warm water and immediately cover with a lid or plate. Desirably pin cover something heavy;
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    (It is necessary to cover pressed on the solution, so it is better to take a smaller diameter than the pan itself)
  • We reserve the infusion for 6-7 days.

After a week has passed, the infusion should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 liter of the infusion to 3 liters of water. Top dressing is ready for use. Such a fertilizer plant saturate the essential trace elements and will allow more and longer to bear fruit.

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