Each apartment may be dangerous to the mixer hoses. Tips plumbing.

  • Dec 28, 2019

The time is off the hot water, I decided to keep an eye on the place for instantaneous water heater under the sink. In my eyes I caught hose, the water supply to the mixer. I was horrified, braided hose turned into dust. Remained without the protection of rubber hose that could burst at any time. With any increase in the line pressure hot water pipe I could flood the neighbors. In this case, you should be aware that I have been working as a plumber. For me flood the neighbors is not only the loss but also a shame.

Mixer itself.
Mixer itself.
Damage is located in a remote place.
Damage is located in a remote place.
Photos near the hose.
Photos near the hose.

I had to turn off the hot water for the night. I bought new hoses until the next day. Dismantled mixer with difficulty. In order to get to podvodok had to completely remove the sink, the joy of such an exercise is not a lot.

Status braid surprised me, she disappeared, rusted. What the manufacturers cunning, but in any case a good save on material. Instead of stainless steel wire strands are used.

Pay attention to the red and blue wires.
Pay attention to the red and blue wires.
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The most interesting is that the colored strands of wire in blue and red color is not oxidized or corroded, the photograph is perfectly clear. So what's the problem? Manufacturers hoses if you are reading an article that you requested to paint the full thread metal wire. The service life will increase. Oh yeah, it's me, any product should not be long, because no one will buy the hoses if they will last forever.

Last time on the liner mixer inspected six months ago. Condition of the hoses was normal. But apparently were smudges with mixer housing. Dripping on the hose, which led to the oxidation and destruction of the braid.

Advice to my readers.

1) Check the hoses to the touch every six months.

2) Use your mobile phone to activate the camera and
backlight in remote places.

3) On new faucets, especially cheap, change the Compression hoses running to complete better.

4) Get a rule every 5 years to change the liner on mixers and toilets. Even if they are in a normal outdoor condition.

5) Braids new hoses must be of stainless steel.

The most interesting.

Misfortune never comes alone. After removing the old hose from the faucet started to wrap the new. Not putting a lot of effort I have broken faucet. Namely tube in the housing. But this I will tell you in the next article. I will disassemble the faucet and show you the status of the budget of the mixer in 4 years.

How to choose a faucet I described in the previous state-link.

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Timofei Mikhailov.
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