The euphoria of the abolition "of slavery span" has hidden drawbacks.

  • Dec 28, 2019
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The media information that swept verification of water meters will fall on the shoulders of a water canal and relieve the consumer from the obligation to monitor the correctness of the instrument. But as always in the good intentions of officials we have selfish intent. I'm acting like an employee of one of the housing sector will tell you how I see the situation from within.

As it was before, and at the moment before the adoption of amendments to the law.

1) Have your appliance water metering calibration interval expires. You invite a specialist with testing instruments that believing appliance without disruption seals verdict that your device meets the margin of error in the calculation of water. Easier said defective device. He writes you a new passport on the device and you will go with him in the water utility or its ZHEU. In that prolong the operation of the device for another term is usually 6 years or 4 years. If the meter is faulty then you need to replace the device. On the price, we work on the verification of a water meter is worth 400 rubles. If the device is not working properly the money are not taken.

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2) Have your counter has expired, you buy a water meter for 500 rubles and to change it by inviting an experienced plumber or do the job yourself. In this case, you will put the seal free. Learn more about self-replacement counter I wrote earlier.

What officials want to do?

Entrust verification of water meters on resursosnabzhayuschie organization, ie get rid of the intermediary firms in calibration devices. Like a good intention, is not it? But in fact they will have to do "resursniki" Vodokanal in our case:

1) Increase the staff workers. Educate their work.

2) Increase the material basis: purchase of inspection devices, laptops to operate the instrument, ensure worker mobility (travel by car).

3) Monthly pay salaries to employees.

And now the most important thing! On whose shoulders lay down the material to the new service costs? Right, on to consumers. If you do not know that any additional expense Vodokanal lay in the tariff for water. And for this service, we will pay out of pocket. Regardless of whether I want to verify the device or not.

I do not recommend to confide water meters unnecessarily plants manufacturers optimize costs for the manufacture of meters, which is reflected in their quality for the worse. Reduction in water meters due to the quality associated with a high level of competition in the field. As a result, water meters something like dosluzhivayut a period of 6 years. And more and more break before the stated deadlines.

The interest of officials in what ways?

Possible adoption of the law will be some sort of additional state structure, for example: All-Russian Service for verification of meters. Which will be distributed to the water utilities of their people and collect money for alleged services rendered.

WELL I do not believe our officials do not believe!

Now, if the officials have suggested that the metering devices for water, gas and electricity will change due to the state, namely in excess of the profits from oil and gas I would be very pleased. But this does not happen...

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Timofei Mikhailov.