How to grow onions on the window sill in a plastic bottle

  • Dec 28, 2019

Hello dear readers!

Today I want to show you how to grow green onions on a windowsill in a plastic bottle. I tell your growing experience that I did. Onion on greens to grow quite simple and does not require much space. Grow onions in a plastic bottle at any time of year, this is especially true in the winter.

For growing green onions I used:

· Most of the plastic bottle to 5 liters (can be more);

· Land;

· Scissors and stationery knife handle;

· The soldering iron (not required);

· Small onion.

Such a bed out of the bottle can be made just for 20-30 minutes, put on the windowsill, periodically watered and the first crop will not take long.

Step 1.

In a plastic bottle cut off the top part, we do not need.

Step 2.

Marker 'mark where the holes are. The distance between the holes of about 3-5 cm, depending on the magnitude of the bow. Soldering the penetrating holes with a diameter of approximately 2-3 cm.

If there is no soldering, it is possible to cut a square hole office knife.

Step 3.

At the bottom pour ground, to the first openings.

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Spouts bulbs better cut with scissors, so it will germinate faster. I did not do it then just forgot about it. We laid the first row of bulbs that have spouts sticking out of the holes to the outside of the bottle.

Step 4.

We fall asleep the first row of the ground and put the second row of bulbs. Then the third row, and so on up to the top of the bottle.

Step 5.

When the bottle top up the ground, stuck on top of a few bulbs. Why disappear place.

This bed does not occupy much space on a windowsill, and onions in it fit more than 2 kg. Watering conveniently right from the top, gently pouring water in the middle. Water reaches the bottom. I watered onions a day.

The first results have already appeared in 3-4 days. Onions began to germinate, but very unevenly.

After about 7-10 days, that's such a result.

Not everyone bow gives a good result, but if you put a quality bow, even small, you can get abundant results.

In addition, attach a video.

look how to grow onions on the ground without a window sill

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Thank you very much!