Garlic dressing for orchids

  • Dec 24, 2019

The fact that the bulbous plant is useful for the body, they know everything. But how garlic helps orchids, known only by experienced florists. With garlic watering flowers can be protected from pests, to ensure active growth and flowering.

Fertilizing orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Fertilizing orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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The use of garlic dressing

Garlic considered antiseptic which comprises organic acids, sulfur, mineral salts, antioxidants. Watering with garlic eliminates most of the problems in growing orchids:

  • the fight against small pests;
  • treatment of viral and bacterial diseases;
  • prevention of fungal diseases;
  • soil decontamination;
  • strengthening of plants after transplanting.

Use garlic for the care of flowers at any time of the year, as needed. But if it is possible to postpone watering, it is better to do it after flowering orchids completion.

Growing orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing orchids. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
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Despite the effectiveness of garlic fertilizers, their improper use can cause damage to the plant. To avoid this, the following guidelines must be observed:

  • Do not spray the plant during the flowering period, otherwise the flowers fade. A similar effect would be if conduct transplantation during flowering and lower roots of the orchid garlic in water for processing. spraying frequency should not exceed 1 per 15 days.
  • Necessary to alternate watering procedures infusion of garlic and an immersion in the roots of the plant. But constantly repeating these manipulations impossible.
  • If the infusion is prepared for irrigation began to wander, it can not be used.
  • Do not use a high concentration solution.

How to cook the dressing

lush orchid to stimulate flowering possible to prepare a mixture, which includes garlic pulp, succinic acid and water. Succinic acid in the mixture is required to flower root, increase resistance to diseases and pests. With proper organization of watering after 2 weeks on the plant will be a new flower.

Orchid. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Orchid. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Succinic acid is diluted in hot water, the solution was allowed to cool completely and then added garlic pulp. Without the addition of the acid solution for irrigation remains stable for a long time. But after adding the drug infusion should be used within 3 days.

To prepare the dressing will need:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • succinic acid - 1 tablet.

In a glass jar with hot water, diluted acid tablet. After cooling liquid in it add the garlic, chopped with a knife or a press. Give it brew for a day and filtered through cheesecloth or a strainer. Obtained concentrated solution which is diluted in 10 liters of water defended. For watering the plants use the method of partial immersion, which alternate with the usual watering at 1 time per month.

Pot plant garlic is immersed in water at 2/3 capacity and allowed at least 40 minutes, a maximum - for 4 h. Then the pot is mounted on the tray for 30-40 minutes to glass excess moisture.

For irrigation plant is necessary to prepare the liquid as follows: clean head of garlic, cloves pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 20 minutes. Before use this infusion diluted 1 L of water take 3 tbsp. l. tinctures.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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