How I got rid of stumps in a day on the site without uprooting and digging up.

  • Dec 10, 2020

After buying my long-awaited private summer house, I immediately cut down two apple trees growing in front of the gate. No, I'm not a monster. It's just that the trees were already dead and interfered with the normal entrance to the courtyard. Naturally, I thought about how to get rid of the remaining 2 stumps. Uprooting is a long and time-consuming business. I wanted to get by with the minimum investment of time and effort.

Fortunately for me, I figured out an easy way to deal with interfering tree stumps in the area. Today I want to share this secret with you. By the way, I never had to uproot them! As I wanted!

The first thing I thought about was ammonium nitrate. But one friend made good arguments for me to change my mind. After using nitrate, you would have to wait at least several months. How, then, enter the courtyard through the stumps? So I had to look for other options.

A couple of days later I found this option! By the way, my faithful wife doubted to the last that I would cope with the task. One word - woman! But I came out of this fight as a winner!
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So first I drilled some pretty big holes in the stumps. Then he poured gasoline on unnecessary rags. Then I put this rag in the resulting holes.

With one lighted match, I turned the structure into something that looks like a glowing candle. The stumps began to burn inside.

I note that when the rags with gasoline burned out, after an open fire there was practically no hemp, practically no hemp burned, and smoldered inside.

It was possible to look at the smoldering hemp for a long time, but I decided to speed up the process. An ordinary household vacuum cleaner helped me with this. Only he worked not for suction, but for blowing out air. Thereby the stumps began to smolder much faster and more actively.

So, the whole process took me a whole day. But in the evening almost nothing was left of the stumps. The fire destroyed them. I threw salt at the roots that survived. After this, they are unlikely to be able to sprout.

That's the whole trick. No stumps - no problem. Now I calmly drive into the gate, not worrying that something will interfere with me. Simple and fast enough, considering that it would take me several days to uproot them.

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