"This is not me spying, you are not hiding well!" How to close yourself off from half-naked neighbors on the site.

  • Dec 10, 2020

Today I decided to touch upon a very sensitive and controversial topic. I think that half of the readers will support me, while others will oppose.

So, the problem is that I'm tired of seeing my half-naked neighbors. They shamelessly walk around in their underwear.

"This is not me spying, you are not hiding well!" How to close yourself off from half-naked neighbors on the site.

Of course, neighbors have the right to do whatever they want on their site, even to walk naked. But in the end, the vegetable garden is not like a desert island.

Besides, I have to “admire” not the young bodies of 20-year-old beauties, but my grandparents at a rather respectable age.

The self-isolation regime made my problem even worse. I found myself a hostage in my own dacha, and the neighbors did not leave for several months, but regularly worked and rested on the site.

I don't think I should tell you in what position the neighbor's grandmother preferred to weed the beds ?!

How I regretted that during the construction of the fence I gave preference to a welded 3D mesh, and not boards.

Then I came to mind construction sites and buildings, which are being reconstructed. They are also hung with a special dense mesh, which almost completely hides the workers and the entire process of work.

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Having rummaged through the Internet, I found out that it is not too expensive, and it is completely easy to fix it on the fence. Through it, the visibility is reduced by almost 80 - 90%.

For the next season, I will carefully prepare and try to fence myself off from the neighbors with such a net.

If it doesn't help, I will demolish the old fence and build a new one - wooden!

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