The beds are in order: instructions for creating the right greenhouse

  • May 13, 2021

Greenhouses are used to expand the range of crops, to obtain fruits at an early date, and to grow crops for a long period. Next, we will look at how to organize the interior space efficiently and with the greatest benefit.

Greenhouse. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Greenhouse. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Creating beds

A new greenhouse requires extensive preparation.

  1. Remove the sod of the soil around the entire perimeter by 20 cm, remove the roots of the weeds.
  2. Using rope and stakes, mark the future beds and the aisles between them.
  3. Prepare sites for planting: applying humus, fertilizing with mineral compounds, creating a neutral soil with peat.
  4. Form fences for future beds.
  5. Mulching to preserve the looseness of the soil, maintain the required temperature and improve the development of the root system of plants. Pour out a layer of plant residues (sawdust, straw, manure) by 10-15 cm, fill in a layer of fertile soil and peat by 20 cm.
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  7. Tamp the tracks for easy movement.
  8. Create a drip irrigation system if needed.
Greenhouse. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Choosing the location of the beds

When organizing the space, consider the width of the tracks, which should be 40-45 cm to ensure proper maintenance. Plants should not fill the tops of the passage. They need space to ventilate and grow fully.

There are three main ways to arrange beds in a 3 × 4 greenhouse:

  • Two wide beds along the long sides of the greenhouse with easy access between them.
  • Three narrow ridges along the length with two paths.
  • One bed in the shape of the letter "P", the second in the center of the greenhouse.


Fences can be used from a variety of materials. The main task is to hold the ground.

Greenhouse. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Board fences

A popular and affordable option for making a frame. Wood is an environmentally friendly and cheap material. Disadvantages: has a short-lived service life, requires additional processing against mold.


In practice, they use old slate, which is easy to get hold of. It is necessary to dig the sheets into the ground at least 20 cm so that the frame does not float under the weight of the soil.

Warm beds

A peculiar design that allows you to start the summer cottage earlier due to the fact that it contains artificial the required temperature is maintained. "Biological fuel" in warm beds is manure or compost. Plants in them are protected from freezing, there is no need for additional fertilizers, moisture lasts a long time, more intensively produced carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the development of leaf plates. The main disadvantage is that it is necessary to collect such beds in the fall. First, the top layer of soil is removed, then the depression is covered with humus or natural residues. Tall beds can be a lifesaver in regions with poor soil. Requires renewal every three years.

Consider the geographic location of the greenhouse, the degree of illumination, and the choice of crops. Rational placement of the beds will allow you to get a rich and timely harvest.

Do you know how to build a greenhouse correctly?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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