How was wood planks treated against decay 100 years ago? The grandfather's way that still works today

  • Dec 10, 2020

As a rule, yard floorings made of edged boards serve for many years. And the villagers don't worry about replacing them as the wood doesn't rot, mold, and looks good enough. Why change something that already serves faithfully?

How was wood planks treated against decay 100 years ago? The grandfather's way that still works today

In the modern world, wood-polymer composite material is used for arranging terraces, the price tag of which is quite high (at least 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter). Those with a limited budget prefer to take ordinary boards that are placed on the uneven bars. True, every few years the boards have to be changed, as they rot.

Several hundred years ago, a method was invented to protect wood from mold and decay. Its advantage is its low cost. Intrigued? Then listen!

The edged boards must be dried before direct installation (this takes 1 to 2 years). When the boards are ready, you need to bake them over a fire.

The main thing is not to overdo it. It is enough to process the boards over the fire by 5 - 7 millimeters. If you "miss" and let the board get charred, it will simply crumble. If the boards are charred less than they should be, they will quickly rot.
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After completing all the above points, you can proceed to the final stage.

While the boards are cooling down, you need to pour into the cauldron linseed oil and ignite it well. In ancient times, there were no problems with flax, it was in abundance, respectively, oil was also easy to get.

Then, with a brush, we smear the burnt part of the boards with hot oil, leaving no gaps. Better yet, make two layers.

That's the whole secret! And there is no need to buy various expensive treatment products. After all these manipulations, the boards will last for several decades.

The upper part of the boards, which we did not process, will constantly be in the open air, even after rain it dries out quickly, and therefore it is not afraid of rotting.

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