Acidified soil for hydrangeas

  • Dec 24, 2019

Hydrangea belongs to the category of ornamental shrubs. Large inflorescences are good decoration for suburban areas, local area, parks and gardens. However, this shrub requires special care and knowledge of its specific requirements.

The use of citric acid. Illustration for an article used open source
The use of citric acid. Illustration for an article used open source

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Why hydrangeas need acid

All kinds of plants adapted to acidic soil. To hydrangea grew well, it is necessary to ensure the acidity level 5,5 pH. This shrub will grow in soil with a neutral or even slightly alkaline acidity. However, in such uncomfortable conditions hydrangea will bloom poorly.

Cultivation of hydrangeas. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Cultivation of hydrangeas. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

In addition, feed hydrangea grenade should be the case, if you want to affect the color of inflorescences. In soil with a neutral or alkaline reaction Hydrangea macrophylla produces pink flowers. If this shrub grows in acid soil, its flowers are magnificent and are painted in blue or blue color.

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All other types of hydrangeas do not change color, but the increase in the number of inflorescences acidic soil and the intensity of their color.

How to conduct a top dressing

Before starting work on the feeding of citric acid is necessary to inspect land in acidity. However, this can not do, if there's a hydrangea bushes grow well in culture, adapted to the soil with a neutral or alkaline reaction. In such a situation there is no doubt of the need for acidic soil.

Flowering hydrangeas. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Flowering hydrangeas. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

If the formation of a large hydrangea bush with lush and vibrant colors, then make acid in the ground is not necessary. However, in most cases it is necessary to feed the plant, since it is well-groomed and always fertilized the soil becomes neutral acidity.

Hydrangea Watering can water acidified not only pineapples. You can, for example, use vinegar.

However, citric acid acts softer, thereby avoiding overdosing. The problem is that when making acetic acid or citric soil pH changes twice. First, the action manifested itself means. With the destruction of the earth acids in hydrogen ions accumulate, thereby prolonging acidification effect. This should be considered when calculating dosages.

Watering Hydrangea. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Watering Hydrangea. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Before using pineapples can test soil vinegar (9%). To do this, loosen the soil, and then pour into it a little acid. The appearance of the foam is indicative of an alkaline reaction.

Fertilizing hydrangeas pineapple as follows:

  • Preparatory stage. Digging up the ground around the bush and make the tree trunks. The loosened soil solution penetrates quickly, uniformly filling the pores. Tree trunks will keep the tool in the space available for root hairs of the bush.
  • Dissolve citric acid in a bucket of water. The concentration is determined by taking into account the combination of features bush state. Recommended plant 1 or 2 tbsp. l. acid in 10 L of water. The powder dissolves quickly, so immediately after thorough mixing, you can start watering.
  • Pour a young bush 5 liters of solution, and large and adult - 10 l.

The regularity of such feeding is determined by the condition of the soil and plants. If there is a need to maintain the desired pH, the solution of pineapples processing is performed 1 time per month.

Adding citric acid can not be considered fertilizer or irrigation. It measures the formation of the desired parameters of soil pH. They can, and sometimes must be combined with the application of mineral and organic fertilizers, irrigation and other agro-technical measures.

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Read more:secrets of hydrangeas