Do not rush to throw away your favorite indoor flower if it has lost its former charm and, it seems, is about to die completely.
If you notice that the leaves of your violet have begun to shrink, curl and wither (even with regular watering), flower buds are tied badly and perish without blooming - you need to urgently take action!
The most effective way is rerootingviolet rosettes. I offer step-by-step instructions, which have been tested more than once in my own practice.
1. Without pulling the flower out of the ground, I cut off the trunk with scissors almost at the root.
2. I cut off all the weak leaves, leaving only the upper symmetrical rosette of six central leaves, remove the buds and flowers.
3. With the help of a sharp knife, I clean the trunk from old "skin" and gray growths - to a fresh green base.
In order for the cut violet to “come to its senses”, I put it in a glass with Kornevin's solution for 20 minutes, and then in a pot with prepared soil.
Soil of earth, sand and perlite is best suited - in equal proportions.
- Having deepened the plant to the lower leaves, I water it with water at room temperature, adding a drop of "Energen" (for 0.5 l of water) - a growth stimulator to the water.
- I put a layer of moss on the surface of the earth - it will help keep the optimal amount of moisture.
Doctor's recommendations
- The re-rooting procedure is best done during the period of active plant growth - in spring and early summer.
- Since the outlet does not yet have roots, it receives power through the leaves, which almost constantly need light. I install additional illumination for my "patients".
- You can speed up the rooting process with the help of potash and phosphorus fertilizers (in no case nitrogen fertilizers!). As well as root formation stimulants.
- Watering the outlet should be very moderate - with excessive moisture, it can simply rot without giving the long-awaited roots.
- In its normal state, the violet does not like moisture on the leaves. But in the process of rooting, it is the leaves that should be sprayed with the "antidepressant". I use for these purposes a classic drug - "Epin".
After three to four weeks, rooting will surely take place, and you will again be delighted with a beautiful healthy flower!
You need to repeat the procedure a year later - in a new soil and, preferably, a new pot - flirty violets are very fond of increased attention, care and new "outfits"!
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