If the leaves on the tomatoes are spinning upwards "Boat", and the bushes begin to wither. Who is to blame and what to do

  • Dec 10, 2020
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The most favorite vegetable of most gardeners is certainly tomato. We all plant tomatoes in large quantities, experimenting with varieties and methods of harvesting them for the winter. But in addition to the "hormone of happiness", tomatoes bring gardeners a lot of problems.

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What to do when the leaves of tomatoes curl like a boat and the bushes start to wither?

There can be several reasons for this disease.

1. Weather. Tomatoes feel optimally comfortable only in temperate climates. Lack of heat and, on the contrary, its excess can cause foliage to curl.

  • If the summer is cool, take care of light cover of the bushes, for example, thin acrylic.
  • If the air temperature often rises above 35 ° C, try to shade plants that are outdoors.
  • Greenhouses must be well ventilated daily.

2. Lack of moisture. In warm weather, tomatoes love abundant watering. If it is not enough, the soil under the bushes begins to crack, and the roots - to tear. In this case, the situation with twisting will be aggravated by the lack of micronutrients.

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Here the soil should be thoroughly loosened and then mulched, and the foliage (in the evening!) Should be sprayed with preparations containing trace elements.

3. Excess moisture.

If the summer is rainy, you should not water additional tomatoes. Perhaps it is necessary to protect them from excessive "natural watering" by erecting temporary frame shelters.

4. Potato aphid. It is difficult to see it with the naked eye, but, looking more closely, it is quite possible.

The bushes can be saved with any drug from the Colorado potato beetle, but the affected leaves themselves will disappear anyway. You should not worry - new leaves will appear on the cured plant very soon!

5. The result of incorrect pinning. If you get too carried away with the procedure, you can remove too many stepsons. The plant in this case, as a person, is under severe stress. Therefore, it is better to pinch in several stages.

6. An excess of nitrogen fertilizers.

The situation can be corrected by a "counterweight" in the form of phosphorus-potassium "breakfasts". But it is better, of course, to use good fertilizer, preferably with a full range of nutrients.

This is exactly what natural fertilizer is (completely and completely) Agroplant. We advise you to pay attention to it. Agroplant is now gaining immense popularity among gardeners and gardeners, whose harvests after its application have actually increased significantly. But, beware of fakes and only buy on on the official site.

7. And the seventh reason is Bacteriosis. Tomato seeds themselves can be infected with this disease. Unfortunately, there is no cure for such a “diagnosis”. You just need to get rid of diseased bushes, and, if time permits, replace them with healthy ones.

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