How to return the white socks, even in very "neglected" cases

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Return the white socks.
Return the white socks.

Nothing is eternal under the Moon. Especially average white socks. The spots on the underside appear almost instantly from the shoe, it is doubtful clean floors, sweat - yes anything. And if a new print every week - it is a pity, and take off one's shoes at a party - a shame, it's time to take drastic measures. And return the socks perfectly white color with the "secret" techniques.

White Socks: are impractical but beautiful.
White Socks: are impractical but beautiful.

Paradox: white socks - something so impractical, but the love of individuals that did not interfere. And white socks bought two by two. And also it is easily damaged, covered with gray or yellowish spots. That He does not want to wash out any typewriter or by hand. If no powder is not able to return to the pristine white socks, try this the old and half-forgotten in the age of powerful household chemical agents.

method №1

How to remove traces of the shoes with the soles of white socks.
How to remove traces of the shoes with the soles of white socks.
instagram viewer

You will need:

1. Turpentine;

2. Liquid laundry detergent;

3. Warm water.

Turpentine for white socks.
Turpentine for white socks.

The bowl type warm water, it dissolve 2 tablespoons liquid detergent and 1 tablespoon of turpentine. Soak socks in this solution for a few hours. After wash the usual way. This method is best to cope with gray scuff marks on the sole - the main enemy of white socks.

method №2

How to wash white socks on the grass stains or food. Advertising.
How to wash white socks on the grass stains or food. Advertising

You will need:

1. Dishwashing liquid;

2. Washing powder "for white."

If white socks do not wash out stains from grass or food, try this method. Dishwashing detergent, mix with the detergent to a foam state, treat stains, leave on for 10 minutes and wash as usual.

method №3

If white socks turned gray.
If white socks turned gray.

You will need:

1. Ammonia;

2. Hydrogen peroxide;

3. Water.

In 3 liters of warm water solution of 3 tablespoons of ammonia and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Soak socks in this homemade bleach for at least several hours. Be sure to use gloves to protect hands from alcohol and peroxide. After a wash powder for white things. This method returns a gray-white fibers, so that even old socks will look again like new.

And even back white socks and other clothes will help here this unexpected meansThat is likely to have in the home medicine cabinet at each.

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