Gum removal or gummosis of stone fruits. What is it and what to do about it

  • Dec 10, 2020

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It turns out that stone fruit crops - plums, cherries, sweet cherries, apricots and other trees can also cry from negativity, like people! Plants can suffer from unsuitable soil and malnutrition, sunburn and frostbite, improper pruning and moist air, pests and mechanical damage.

Gum removal or gummosis of stone fruits. What is it and what to do about it

They show their "offense" by the release of a sticky thick yellowish or brown substance from cracks, cracks and wounds, resembling resin in viscosity and appearance. Scientifically, the resin from stone fruit trees is called gum. And the ailment they suffer from is gommosis.

The appearance of this "fruity amber" with a woody flavor is an alarming symptom of a fungal disease, which can lead to the death of the culture. The gum contains sugars, acids and other valuable components. When it appears, the process of photosynthesis, which is necessary for the life of a plant, is disrupted.

But do not despair, but urgently take measures, first preventive:

  • Do not injure trees with a lawn mower, garden shears or other tools.
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  • You cannot clean trees of dead bark - it protects them.
  • It is advisable to plant zoned crop varieties on the site, they adapt better to the climate.
  • In summer and even winter time, protect the trunks from sunburn - whitewash the trunks to the base of large branches.
  • For the winter, wrap trunks with burlap or spruce branches.
  • Timely and correctly cut unnecessary, still green shoots.
  • Provide a balanced diet.

Spray with Bordeaux liquid solution in late autumn and until the buds swell in spring. The procedure should be carried out at a positive temperature.

All stone fruits develop poorly on heavy clay soil.

If the plant does get sick, it needs a "surgical operation". It is necessary to heal the wounds where the gum has formed. You need to operate before the start of sap flow. How?

  • With a garden knife, clean the formations to healthy wood and disinfect with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp per 1.5 liters of water).
  • Allow the wound to dry and cover with garden varnish with a layer of 1 - 2 mm. It is better to do this with your hands to smooth out all the irregularities.
  • Instead of a var, you can use sorrel, which 3 times with a frequency of several minutes to rub the cleaned area. Or prepare a mixture of 7 parts nigrol and 3 parts sifted furnace ash.
  • Wrap a large area with a garden bandage.

Spraying with bio-fungicides will also help prevent the disease.

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