What does the appearance of a cobweb in your home indicate? Believe the signs or put things in order?

  • Dec 10, 2020
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I'm sure everyone has a spider web in the house. You may not have seen it, but it certainly is, because spiders are omnipresent creatures. Even the cleanest housewife cannot get rid of them completely.

On the one hand, the thickets of cobwebs indicate that it is time to do the cleaning. And on the other hand, since ancient times, people have associated the web with good omens, and with which ones I will tell you in this article.

What does the appearance of the web say

It will take quite a lot and they are mainly connected with the place in the house where the spider weaved its web.


In general, the appearance of weightless graceful nets has always been associated with wealth and happiness. For example, my grandmother said that the spiders, the Brownie's assistants, collect all the negative energy at home in their net. And happiness, goodness, wealth, on the contrary, hold back with their nets.

But there is a nuance - do not specifically forget about cleaning, because according to the signs, the cobweb will catch happiness only in a clean house.
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The same goes for the atmosphere in the family: spiders cannot bring harmony to a family where they always quarrel and swear with each other.

There are other signs:

  • a spider web discovered in the morning over your bed promises happiness, and soon;
  • nets hung above / behind the door warn the girl about possible betrayal (there is no need to remove the nets right away, as this can harm even more)
  • a cobweb found in the kitchen informs the hostess that she has an assistant.
But remember: all this only works if you find 1-2 new networks against the background of the overall cleanliness of the room. Cobwebbed ceilings and walls do not bode well for sure.


Eight-legged neighbors often settle on the windows and some signs are also associated with this:

  • a cobweb in the corner of a window without a host - to good clear weather;
  • if you accidentally hit the net on the window, expect a meeting with a good acquaintance or friend, but if you rip the web, you can expect major quarrels in the family;
  • torn / torn web is a sign of financial problems; You can "neutralize" the omen by removing the cobweb from the window with a rag or gently scorching it with a candle;
  • the net outside the window protects the house from the evil eye, damage and all kinds of misfortunes.
And one more very good omen: see the spider at work. An eight-legged hard worker will definitely bring you luck, prosperity and wealth. Do not forget: do not just sweep away the cobwebs in the house, it is better to carefully collect and take them out of the house.

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